teaching machines

Commit Logs

It’s time for another installment of Commit Logs, in which I share a selection of log comments left by my students when they commit their work. I’m fascinated by this condensed slurry of feelings we hold throughout the development cycle.

LaTeX Calendar Generator

My wife is crafting together a calendar full of family photos, and she asked me to print off some simple 2016 calendar grids that she found online. I looked at the templates and vomited. They had URLs on them. Because I suffer from developerism, I asked my wife if she’d let me try and generate some calendar pages […]

Mesh Differencing

A feature that I’ve long wanted in Madeup is the ability to subtract away holes from a mesh. I try to implement most features myself, because I want to learn. However, constructive solid geometry is too much for me. I turned to libigl, CGAL, Eigen, and Boost for help, and now I can join solids in […]

Swirl Ball

A few months back, I saw a 2D illustration in Mathographics that was begging to be expanded into 3D. Here’s my “spin” on that expansion. First, I started with a simple circle. I anticipated doing a lot of plotting of polar coordinates, so I factored out a helper function. Next up was shaping the circle into a lobed, flowery […]


Over Thanksgiving I added per-vertex coloring to Madeup. No longer are we bound to a single color for the entire model! To celebrate, I fused together a benzene ring.  

CS 145 Lecture 41 – Sequencer

Agenda what ?s a sequencer with JMusic enums variable-length argument lists TODO Finish homework 7. If you qualified for the mercy bounty, email me when you finish the other assignments. The final exam is Thursday at 10 in our regular lecture hall (Hibbard 100). The exam is on paper. Bring only a pencil. No books, […]

CS 491 Lecture 25 – Path Finding

Agenda what ?s breadth first search marking paths greedy search A* TODO Open house next Wednesday at 5 PM! Code … Haiku

CS 145 Lecture 40 – Volume Slicer

Agenda what ?s definitions of OOP more population queries a volume slicer TODO For an extra credit 1/4 sheet to be turned in Friday: compose a headline (as found in a newspaper or on Buzzfeed) to summarize your learning this semester. Note Object-oriented programming has its roots in languages like Simula, a language designed in Norway during the 1960s. […]

CS 491 Lecture 24 – Custom Editors

Agenda what ?s adding a custom editor creating a tilemapper TODO Record 1-minute videos of your games for the achievement Blugolds! Audio is not necessary. I’ll send an email before Friday with details on where to upload them. Code 574f48f Haiku

CS 145 Lecture 39 – Data Analysis

Agenda what ?s making a program runnable definitions of OOP country population analysis TODO For a participation point, prepare a quiz question to share before tomorrow’s quiz. Topics we’ve covered since the last quiz all fall under the umbrella of objects. Note First we’ll look at making our Clickture application runnable. As a software developer, you become very […]

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