teaching machines

Blackbox 26

Blackbox 25

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Blackbox 22

Blackbox 21

CS 145 Lecture 33 – Stopwatch and Separation of Concerns

Agenda what ?s what is this? stopwatch TODO Read chapter 8 through section 8.4. Write down 2-3 questions or observations on a 1/4 sheet for Monday. Note We’ve hit upon our last major theme for the course: objects. Objects encapsulate an identity in our program, putting together that thing’s state and behaviors under one roof. […]

CS 491 Lecture 22 – Revolution Cont’d

Agenda what ?s adding a planet spawner picking up planets with a DistanceJoint2D detaching satellites Code 6acbe07 Haiku

CS 491 Lecture 21 – Revolution

Agenda what ?s Revolution TODO Watch 2D Scrolling Backgrounds. Jot down 2-3 questions, observations, or games that have memorable backgrounds on a 1/4 sheet for Friday. Note Today we launch a Revolution! The moon people across space are dizzy for all their orbiting. Your task is to destroy their host planets by picking them up in your spaceship, […]

Madeup Talk at UWBC

Introduction Hi, folks. I’m Chris and I teach people to teach machines. Let’s start with a little exercise. I need two volunteers. [Recruit.] Person A will be the computer. Person B will be the programmer. Person A, your job is to do exactly what Person B tells you to do. And I mean exactly. If […]

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