teaching machines

CS 145 Lecture 32 – Objects

Agenda what ?s hot dog design data and code circle objects  NDeckerBurgers TODO For an extra credit participation point: write on a 1/4 sheet of paper a class Raffle with a constructor and methods for adding and drawing names. Test it! Note We start our discussion today with a philosophical question. Spend a minute telling […]

CS 145 Lecture 31 – Decksercise

Agenda what ?s working with a deck of cards for-each loop Monte Carlo simulations TODO For a participation point, write a question or two to share before the quiz in tomorrow’s lab. New topics we’ve covered since the last quiz include arrays and ArrayLists. Note The theme for the day is cards. We’re going to […]

CS 491 Lecture 20 – Chain Cont’d

Agenda what ?s TODO Game Jam or work time? Code … Haiku

CS 145 Homework 6 – due before November 30

See the PDF.

CS 145 Lecture 30 – Higher Dimensions

Agenda what ?s arraylistercise arrays to higher dimensions TODO Read sections 7.3 through 7.5 in the book. Share 2-3 questions or observations on a 1/4 sheet. Start homework 6. Due before November 30. The challenge for the second and final mercy fortnight will involve finishing homework 7 on objects before December 7. The regular due date will be […]

CS 491 Lecture 19 – Chain

Agenda what ?s a swinging chain mechanic modeling a link in Madeup HingeJoint2D Code … Haiku

CS 145 Lecture 29 – ArrayList and 2D Arrays

Agenda what ?s program this ArrayList vs. array to higher dimensions TODO Finish homework 5. Note We start with a Program This in two installments: You are an armchair runner. Instead of competing in races, you like to figure out where you would have finished had you actually run. You want to write a method that determines […]

CS 145 Lecture 28 – Array Exercises, Cont’d

Agenda what ?s blackboxes Note Arrays are a really simple idea, but I’d wager that most of my bugs come from code that involves arrays. There are a lot more moving parts. Today, then, we complete a few more array exercises. But let’s get a feel for the problems through some Blackboxes before we reimplement their […]

Blackbox 20

CS 491 Lecture 18 – 2D Effectors

Agenda what ?s adding textures to platforms platform effectors conveyors via surface effectors bombs via point effectors TODO Find and read a reference on building walkcycles for 2D sprites. For next Wednesday’s 1/4 sheet, post an animated GIF to the blog under categories fall 2015, gamedev2, and post mortems. In the post, identify your reference(s). Code e0d7529

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