teaching machines

CS 347: Lecture 22 – Router, Part II

Dear students: React lifts the burden of manipulating the DOM, which is nice, but some desirable features are also thrown out—like a site organized into multiple pages. With what we’ve seen of React so far, multiple pages are not really an option, as all views must be corraled under the almighty App component. In this […]

CS 347: Lab 21 – MP3 Player, Part I

Welcome to lab. By now you have already watched the lecture videos on your own. Now we will apply the ideas from those videos in an exercise, which you will complete in small groups. Within your breakout room, designate one of your team to be the host. Host, claim your group’s task on Crowdsource. Make […]

CS 347: Lecture 23 – Hosting User Files

Dear students: Many web apps evolve into miniature content management systems. Users upload their content to the back-end, and the front-end serves as an interface to this centralized storage. Sometimes the content is simple text and numbers that are stored in a database. But sometimes the data is more complex, like images and other media. […]

CS 347: Lecture 21 – Router, Part I

Dear students: React lifts the burden of manipulating the DOM, which is nice, but some desirable features are also thrown out—like a site organized into multiple pages. With what we’ve seen of React so far, multiple pages are not really an option, as all views must be corraled under the almighty App component. In this […]

CS 347: Lab 20 – GitHub Search, Really

Welcome to lab, which is a replay of the last lab that got nixed by technical difficults with NPM. By now you have already watched the lecture videos on your own. Now we will apply the ideas from those videos in an exercise, which you will complete in small groups. Within your breakout room, designate […]

CS 347: Lecture 20 – Today App: Client, Part II

Dear students: We will continue examining ingedux through the lens of a client for our Today app. In this second part, we’ll use Redux to update the state as we create, update, and delete memories. Here’s your TODO list: Watch Adding New Memories.

CS 347: Lab 19 – GitHub Search

Welcome to lab. By now you have already watched the lecture videos on your own. Now we will apply the ideas from those videos in an exercise, which you will complete in small groups. Within your breakout room, designate one of your team to be the host. Host, claim your group’s task on Crowdsource. Make […]

CS 347: Lecture 19 – Today App: Client, Part I

Dear students: React takes over management of the DOM, allowing us to focus on managing the state of our app. As the data behind our app and our component hierarchy become more complex, even state management becomes challenging. To deal with this complexty, we will push the data into an object managed by Redux. With […]

CS 347: Lab 18 – Express Chat

Welcome to lab. By now you have already watched the lecture videos on your own. Now we will apply the ideas from those videos in an exercise, which you will complete in small groups. Within your breakout room, designate one of your team to be the screen sharer. Screen sharer, share your screen and claim […]


A month ago one of my sons’ toys inspired me to try and model it in Madeup. Here is the original set of magnetic blocks: And here is my first attempt at modeling them using Madeup’s dowel command with rounded bends: Notice the hole in the middle. Given how the rounding is implemented, I was […]

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