teaching machines

Final Project: Instant Karma – crakerbr

For my final project I set out to create an app to let you track your interactions with so-called “friends” to measure their true value. The app uses your phone’s contact list to assemble a list of friends, along with their photograph. It then uses its own database table to track karmic interactions and tally […]

crakerbr – Final Project – Instant Karma

For my final project I’ve decided to take the guesswork out of friendship. In most cases, it is difficult to determine the true value of a friendship, and you may worry that a friend of yours has done too many nice things for you and therefore has an edge over you or, conversely, they are […]

Homework #3 crakerbr

Everybody faces a daily decision to either go and do something outside or stay home and play video games. Rather than trying to estimate the weather and risk frostbite, heatstroke, hypothermia, or any of the other afflictions nature tries to kill us with, my app finds out the current weather and tells you whether to […]

crakerbr homework 2: OrderUp

    My goal was to create a program that could be used in a restaurant situation to track orders and add items from the menu to an order list. My database has two tables. One is for menu items and contains the name, a brief description, and the cost of the item. The other table […]

Generalized IQ Test

I decided to design my program to ask five questions that any person would be expected to know the answer to, and allow them to enter their answers to be used to make a judgement about their intelligence.     My program has the five standard questions to be used to judge someones intelligence. Questions are […]

Sudoku Free

        The app I am reviewing is “Sudoku Free.” I am using an emulator to run the program, but if I actually owned an Android phone I’m sure this would be one of my first programs as I am a huge fan of Sudoku. The app’s website is “genina.com,” which has also created a […]