teaching machines

crakerbr homework 2: OrderUp

October 19, 2011 by . Filed under cs491 mobile, fall 2011, postmortems.


My goal was to create a program that could be used in a restaurant situation to track orders and add items from the menu to an order list.

My database has two tables. One is for menu items and contains the name, a brief description, and the cost of the item. The other table is for orders put into the system, and contains the menu item id associated with the order, and whether the order has been cleared. I leave cleared orders in the table instead of deleting them because I had vague notions of being able to keep track of daily orders.

There are two list activity classes in the program. The main one displays the current orders (only the ones that have not yet been cleared), and if a user clicks on an order they have the option of clearing it. When a user selects “add an order” on the screen they are brought to the second list activity which displays all menu items. From there, clicking on a menu item gives them the chance to add the item to the order list.

There is of course a lot more useful functionality that could be added to this app. In the current setup, the information stays on the local machine, and using a database on a remote server would allow multiple users to use separate android devices to manage orders.