teaching machines

CS 330: Homework 0, Part 3

In part 2, you created your homework repository on Bitbucket, cloned it on your local machine, and pushed local changes back up to Bitbucket. In this installment, you will learn how to pull changes down from Bitbucket to your local mirror. Pulling Suppose your home on for the weekend, and you get the craving to […]

CS 330: Homework 0, Part 2

Follow these steps to create your class homework repository and get homework 0 up and running. 1. Create a Bitbucket account In this class, all your code will be stored with the Bitbucket webservice. Using this third-party service has some nice benefits: they maintain a complete history of your source code using some software called […]

CS 330: Homework 0, Part 1

In this course, you will be completing your homework using the Linux operating system. The Department of Computer Science does provide some Linux servers that you can use, but your instructor asks you to install your own Linux image for a few reasons: You will learn more about a technology whose impact on our field […]

CS 491 – Game Development and Physical Computing

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: 20 Posts Project

CS 318 – Fundamentals of Web Page Design

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: ~28 Lectures Projects

CS 330 – Programmming Languages

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: ~70 Lectures Homework Exams

CS 1: Final Exam

See the PDF.

CS 1: Lecture 38 – Binary Search

Dear students, We close our semester today with a discussion of finding things quickly with the binary search. We will illustrate the algorithm and implement it in the context of a dictionary/spell-checker. Earlier in the semester we discussed the linear search. Let’s revisit that algorithm first by locating a spice in our spice rack. What […]

CS 396: Meeting 14 – Applied Data Consultants

Dear students, Today we welcome Marc Harter of Applied Data Consultants as our guest. When I first moved to this town, one of my students told me about this guy named Marc that he worked with. This Marc apparently had an amazing knowledge of web technologies, and most of it was self-taught. A little later […]

CS 1: Lecture 37 – Lights Out

Dear students, It’s the last week! Given that we’re all stressed and ready to be done, let’s play a game today. Just kidding, let’s make one instead. We’re going to implement Lights Out, which started off as a handheld game from Tiger Electronics: The game is played on a 5×5 grid of lights, some of […]

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