Play in full screen. Controls wsda – To move Left Click – Throw/Interact Description Level One – Like angry birds Level Two – Get a point for each ball spawned but a collision ends the level Level Three – Put the pizza in the oven (still buggy)
Repository: https://bitbucket.org/Turkij/derelict/src Itch.io: https://turkij.itch.io/derelict
Rock Paper Checkers
This game is a mixture of Rock Paper Scissors and Checkers. Play against a friend! Click on your piece and use the numeric keypad (on the left side of your keyboard) to move your piece in any direction. You can only kill your opponents pieces that you could usually defeat in a game of rock […]
Tile Puzzle
Go on the arrow tiles, move in that direction. Get to the gold square to win. Link to the Game
Castle Savior
Castle Savior is a simple maze game. Using the arrow keys, navigate the maze to ‘save’ all of the people in each level while avoiding obstacles.
Reach for the Stars
Remember to enable full screen and allow the game to use the mouse
Just a simple spatial puzzle game. You move the blue blocks with the WASD keys. The goal is to clear a path for the ball to drop and land on the target below. Once a path is cleared, this is done automatically. The levels are too easy in my opinion, but they could be made […]
Picross. Nonograms. Hanjie. Griddlers. Whatever you call it, it’s still a very confusing grid puzzle-game, unless you’re able to discover the logic behind it. Try to create the hidden pictures within the grids by using the numbers on the side as a reference. Stuck? Need a hint? CLICK HERE!! Note: There are still some […]
<iframe src=”https://itch.io/embed/56851″ width=”552″ height=”167″ frameborder=”0″></iframe> Here’s the link to my basic Tetris game: https://wjohnson31337.itch.io/tetris-
Ball Simulator 2016
Check out this sick game, bro, I promise you’ll like it, bro. <iframe src=”https://itch.io/embed/56026″ width=”552″ height=”167″ frameborder=”0″></iframe> https://jackiscool.itch.io/ball-simulator-2016https://jackiscool.itch.io/ball-simulator-2016 https://jackiscool.itch.io/ball-simulator-2016https://jackiscool.itch.io/ball-simulator-2016 https://jackiscool.itch.io/ball-simulator-2016https://jackiscool.itch.io/ball-simulator-2016 https://jackiscool.itch.io/ball-simulator-2016https://jackiscool.itch.io/ball-simulator-2016 https://jackiscool.itch.io/ball-simulator-2016https://jackiscool.itch.io/ball-simulator-2016