teaching machines

CS 145 Lecture 40 – Volume Slicer

Agenda what ?s definitions of OOP more population queries a volume slicer TODO For an extra credit 1/4 sheet to be turned in Friday: compose a headline (as found in a newspaper or on Buzzfeed) to summarize your learning this semester. Note Object-oriented programming has its roots in languages like Simula, a language designed in Norway during the 1960s. […]

CS 491 Lecture 24 – Custom Editors

Agenda what ?s adding a custom editor creating a tilemapper TODO Record 1-minute videos of your games for the achievement Blugolds! Audio is not necessary. I’ll send an email before Friday with details on where to upload them. Code 574f48f Haiku

CS 145 Lecture 39 – Data Analysis

Agenda what ?s making a program runnable definitions of OOP country population analysis TODO For a participation point, prepare a quiz question to share before tomorrow’s quiz. Topics we’ve covered since the last quiz all fall under the umbrella of objects. Note First we’ll look at making our Clickture application runnable. As a software developer, you become very […]

CS 145 Lecture 38 – Slideshow

Agenda what ?s program this slideshow application TODO Read Isaac Asimov’s short story The Feeling of Power. On a 1/4 sheet for Monday, share your reaction, observations, amens, and ahems. Note Today we’ll get a working slideshow application running. But first, let’s have a little Program This: Suppose you are a chemist. With a neighbor, design an […]

CS 491 Lecture 23 – Particle Systems

Agenda what ?s rain fire explosion TODO Watch Unity’s particle system live training. On a 1/4 sheet, identity an effect that can be achieved with a particle system and describe how you’d achieve it. Code … Haiku

CS 145 Lecture 37 – Instance vs. Static vs. Local

Agenda what ?s instance vs. local vs. static  Vector2D a slideshow application Note Whenever you declare a variable, you have to decide a few things: what type will it be? what will I name it? who needs access to it? how long will it need to live? Different answers to the last two questions lead us to […]

CS 145 Lecture 36 – Blackboxes Cont’d

Agenda what ?s blackboxes cont’d implementing ArrayList TODO Start homework 7. Due before December 14—unless you are pursuing the mercy bounty, in which it’s due before December 7. Note Today we keep exploring objects from the outside in with a few more blackboxes: Blackbox 23 Blackbox 25 Blackbox 24 If we have time, we’ll also […]

CS 145 Lecture 35 – Android Demo

Agenda what ?s Android app structure declarative layout custom views handling touch events Note Today we create an Android application! We’ll incorporate many of the subjects we’ve been discussing, with loops, 2D arrays, and objects. We’ll also slog through what you’re likely to encounter in many modern software projects: an extensive standard library at your […]

CS 145 Lecture 34 – Blackbox Objects

Agenda what ?s blackbox objects TODO No lab on Tuesday. Android demo on Wednesday. Note We’ve been through encapsulation before. At the beginning of the semester, we tucked code into reusable methods. We explored these methods through Blackboxes. We’re doing something similar with objects, but these Blackboxes have a persistent memory. Today, we’ll look at […]

CS 145 Lecture 33 – Stopwatch and Separation of Concerns

Agenda what ?s what is this? stopwatch TODO Read chapter 8 through section 8.4. Write down 2-3 questions or observations on a 1/4 sheet for Monday. Note We’ve hit upon our last major theme for the course: objects. Objects encapsulate an identity in our program, putting together that thing’s state and behaviors under one roof. […]

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