teaching machines

CS 491 Lecture 22 – Using GPS

Before class A Before we meet: Watch http://youtu.be/C7IQ9tV2FAI. Skim http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/PendingIntent.html. Skim http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html. B Before we meet: Watch http://youtu.be/OPFCxdD-SeA. Read http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/location/strategies.html. In class Write an Are We There Yet? app. Keep these in mind: Create a Google APIs AVD. Register a location as a destination. You choose the mechanism for performing this registration. Geocoding would be awesome. Listen for location updates. […]

HNRS 304.503 Lecture 20 – Character animation

Agenda Makehuman posing evaluations Makehuman http://youtu.be/WUDprkRKXPo I’ve only ever exported to Collada. The clothes are sometimes too snug when I import, and body seeps through. Scaling the clothes isn’t quite what I want. Try selecting the clothes faces and fattening (Alt-S). Posing We’ll have a peak at creating your own character animations. Simple rigidbody transformations […]

CS 491 Lecture 21 – OpenGL

Before class A Before we meet: Watch http://youtu.be/LUf2EqaFr5U. Read http://developer.android.com/training/graphics/opengl/index.html. Read http://www.learnopengles.com/android-lesson-two-ambient-and-diffuse-lighting/. This example is a bit more complicated than the one used in the video. B Before we meet: Watch http://youtu.be/9zCwq05YDBo. Read http://www.learnopengles.com/android-lesson-one-getting-started/. Read http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2009/04/introducing-glsurfaceview.html. In class With your partner, build off the base renderer we constructed in class to load in a torus, light it, and shade […]

HNRS 304.503 Lecture 19 – Figures

Agenda Texture volunteer Normal mapping In-class box modeling Adding non-color material Materials don’t have to effect just color. You can pretend that very simple geometry is more detailed than it is through something called a normal map. Create your geometry and give it a material. Add a texture to the material. Change its type to […]

HNRS 304.503 Lecture 18 – Complexture

Agenda Valve’s employee handbook how do we assign multiple materials to geometry in Blender? how do we use Blender’s material system to generate textures usable in Unity? what on Earth is bump mapping? Multiple textures Your geometry can have materials assigned to independent faces. Configure your multiple materials. Use the + sign to the right […]

HNRS 304.503 Lecture 17 – Escaping from the island, keeping things visible, sound effects

Agenda asdf Player with jump control We want to be able to turn our player’s jump ability on and off. That can be done through the First Person Controller’s Character Motor script component. Let’s simplify the process a bit with our own PlayerController component that wraps around the relevant operations: Meet boat We want a […]

CS 491 Lecture 18 – Cordova

Before class A Before next class: Watch http://youtu.be/UgMQcJZC_Wc. Read http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.2.0/cordova_camera_camera.md.html#Camera. B Before next class: Watch http://youtu.be/yQ8zge-CIFU. Read http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.1.0/guide_plugin-development_index.md.html. In class Create a Cordova plugin that plays the RTTTL file. Your jQuery/jQuery Mobile-powered code can be dropped in assets/www in a Cordova project. A blank project named cordova_blank.zip is available on the class folder on the W: drive. You can […]

HNRS 304.503 Lecture 16 – A boat, fixed coin spin-up, water, and a message box

Agenda Your models Character Controller Fixing animation from last time Span animation window across all actions Parent a model with an empty, position the empty Modeling a boat in 5 minutes Adding water Using GUI.Box for messages Themes Modeling a boat Make a long, thin rectangular prism. Select the top and bottom faces. Subdivide with […]

CS 491 Lecture 17 – jQuery Mobile

Before class A Before next class: Watch http://youtu.be/pzbrixFXqzQ. Read http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/pages/index.html. B Before next class: Watch http://youtu.be/RtbDC3i_iVc. Read http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/buttons/index.html. Read http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/forms/index.html. Read http://jquerymobile.com/test/docs/lists/index.html. In class Our task this week is to write a web app ringtone melody generator. Today we will focus on the interface. Thursday we will look into playing back the ringtones. Read the RTTTL specification. Write […]

HNRS 304.503 Lecture 15 – Modeling a coin

Agenda Curiosity? (another project by Peter Molyneux) Valve handbook discussion UV mapping a golden coin sculpting a golden coin animating a golden coin TODO Find an object. Model it in Blender. Post a screenshot. Haiku

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