teaching machines

CS 396 Lecture 1 – Career Services on Resumes

Agenda meta todos and grading schedule Staci Heidtke on resumes TODO Note that assigned readings are not always endorsed readings. We must actively listen to those we agree with, those we disagree with, and those whom we know nothing about. Only by listening to all viewpoints can we make an informed response. Read the syllabus. […]

CS 436 Lecture 1 – Introduction

Agenda meta lecture structure office hours homework app contest trivia bowl Haiku

CS 436 Homework

See the PDF.

CS 145 Lecture 0 – Accessing the JDK, Eclipse, and EGit

In CS 145, we make extensive use of certain software. You’ll need to get access to this software in one of three ways: 1) by installing it on your personal machine, 2) by heading to university computer labs, or 3) by remotely logging in to virtual machines hosted by the university. Installing Installing the software […]

CS 396 – Junior Seminar

Information Syllabus Enrollment: 53 Lectures

CS 145 – Introduction to Object-oriented Programming

Information Syllabus Enrollment: 90 Lectures Labs Homework Exams

CS 436 – Mobile Software Development

Information Syllabus Enrollment: 22 Lecture Homework Student Apps

Git Commit Logs

This semester I managed homework differently. On Bitbucket, I created a repository containing the homework specifications and some autograders. Each student made a private fork of my repository, inheriting permissions so that I could access the fork when a homework was submitted. When students commit a changeset, they include a brief description of the changes […]

CS 245 Wrapup

CS 245 has officially closed. I offer some reflection. Bitbucket We used Bitbucket for the first time ever to distribute and submit homework assignments. I wish I could say I learned how to overcome problems that my students ran into, but I can’t. Mostly issues seemed to stem from failing to follow the pull-code-commit-push workflow. […]

CS 330 Lecture 40 – Review

Agenda what ?s review wrap up Topics object-oriented programming inheritance polymorphism (subtype) polymorphism (parametric/generics/templates) dynamic dispatch, virtual functions garbage collection grammars, lexing, parsing, interpretation higher-order functions lambdas/anonymous functions filter/map/fold immutability lazy evaluation memoization reflection dynamic and duck typing Haiku

1 146 147 148 149 150 233