teaching machines

CS 491: Project Milestones

This semester you and your team will be dropped into a box. Calories will be dropped in one side of the box, and a game will pop out the other. To help structure your progress, your box is actually expected to pop out four versions of your game in various stages of completion. These milestones […]

CS 491: Lecture 1 – Push Button

Welcome to CS 491! The Registrar doesn’t really give this elective class a name, but between you and me, I’m calling it Game Development and Physical Computing. The Game Development part means we’re going to be making games. The Physical Computing part means we’re going to be assembling hardware. That hardware will sense the world […]

CS 330: Lecture 1 – Asserting Patterns with Regex

Dear students, Welcome to CS 330: Programming Languages! What’s this class about? Well, imagine you are a biology student taking a class on mammals and every lecture, lab, and homework is on cows. You wouldn’t really be a biologist at the end of this class. You’d be a cowist. A cow gives you one picture […]

CS 330: Homework Wasd – due before May 14

See the PDF.

CS 330: Homework Terp – due before March 5

See the PDF.

CS 330: Homework Ractor – due before April 2

See the PDF.

CS 330: Homework Funfun – due before April 25

See the PDF.

CS 330: Homework Regexercise – due before February 19

See the PDF.

CS 330: Homework Echoargs – due before ?

See the PDF.

CS 318: Lab 1 – HTML and Tools

Dear students, Welcome to CS 318. In this class we learn to make web pages. We’ll learn some technologies like HTML5 and CSS, which are primary tools of the web design trade. But more importantly, we’ll also grow our brains to think about how to structure information, separate style from content, and communicate through technology […]

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