teaching machines

Robby’s Gaussian Pox

February 16, 2015 by . Filed under cs455, postmortems, spring 2015.

For this assignment my thought process started by just getting the implementation of the Image class all sorted out. After that I moved into the actually application of the Image class using the Guassian Pox function in order to calculate our energy. After reading that carefully and being confident I understood what the end goal was I wrote the main method to generate a .ppm file to bring my bumps to life. Everything had gone too well up to this point, so after running my program when I opened my perfectly generated .ppm file to view my perfect bumps it appeared as a smattering of garbage and ugly colors. After awhile I admitted to myself that it wasn’t Gimp’s fault and read the structure of the .ppm file a little more closely and after some trial and error was able to write it correctly. I was then able to view my beautiful blue and red heat map I had spawned.

