teaching machines

WEIRC – Sceen

May 21, 2015 by . Filed under cs455, postmortems, spring 2015.

I first almost gave up on this assignment, as I saw that the instruction was soooo short and I have no idea how to do any of the requirements. Luckily, I found out that the environment lab has already incorporated more than half of the things needed for this assignment, so I tried to add onto the rest. I have no idea how to do specular and diffuse, so I simply copied the code from before and added onto the current fragment shader, somehow it worked (I’m not sure if it’s proper). I didn’t have much creativity in this assignment at all, I’m just glad that I’m done, and hopefully it gets me the A I need.


close shot on the specular (the white part is the reflected light):



Overall shot:
