teaching machines

CS 145 Homework 1 – due before September 23

See the PDF.

CS 352 – Computer Architecture

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: ~52 Lectures Homework Exams

CS 145 – Introduction to Object-oriented Programming

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: ~120 Lectures Homework Labs Exams

Subtracting Subtraction, Part 1

Some things are easier than others. The elevator is easier than the stairs. Criticizing others’ ideas is easier than originating one’s own. Addition is easier than subtraction. Let’s focus on the last of these. Why is subtraction more difficult than addition? Borrowing. When a digit in the subtrahend (the second number) is greater than the […]

CS 145 Homework 0, Part 2

In part 1, you created your homework repository on Bitbucket, cloned it on your local machine, and pushed local changes back up to Bitbucket. In this installment, you will learn how to pull changes down from Bitbucket to your local mirror. Pulling Suppose your home on for the weekend, and you get the craving to […]

CS 145 Homework 0, Part 1

Follow these steps to create your class homework repository and get homework 0 up and running. 1. Create a Bitbucket account In this class, all your code will be stored with the Bitbucket webservice. Using this third-party service has some nice benefits: they maintain a complete history of your source code using some software called […]

Peruvian ITiCSE

I had intended the summer to be a simple one. No teaching, no big grants, no painting the house. Then I learned that ITiCSE 2016 would be in Peru. This country is so far off the maps that chart out my life I knew that if didn’t go now, I never would. So, I submitted […]

No Ternary, No Problem

While waiting around in a Peruvian airport, a friend I met at a conference was playing a boolean logic game I’ve been working on. On one level he wanted to use a ternary operator to model a shape that behaved differently depending on which half of the 10-by-10 game board you were on. He wanted […]

Rator Vaders: Week 3

This week I added strings, chars, and function and method calls to Rator Vaders. Now max(“abc”.indexOf(‘c’), (“a” + “b”).length()) can attack Earth! I also added a weighting system to the random expression generator to make it easy to progressively generate more complex expressions as the player advances in the game. Initially, only the arithmetic operators […]

Precedence vs. Evaluation Order

I’ve been working on a little computer science learning game called Rator Vaders. Complex expressions drop from the sky, and the player has to fire at the highest precedent operator and evaluate it. This process continues until only a literal value is left, which can be sent to the Big Bit Bucket in the Sky […]

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