CS 352 – Computer Architecture
Course Information
- Syllabus
- Enrollment: ~52
- CS 352 Lecture 38 - Superion Technology
- CS 352 Lecture 37 - Hazard Mitigation
- CS 352 Lecture 36 - Pipelining
- CS 352 Lecture 35 - Caching Strategies
- CS 352 Lecture 34 - Memory Hierarchy Cont'd
- CS 352 Lecture 33 - Memory Hierarchy
- CS 352 Lecture 32 - Von Neumann Architecture
- CS 352 Lecture 31 - Framebuffer
- CS 352 Lecture 30 - Mouse
- CS 352 Lecture 29 - Functions Cont'd
- CS 352 Lecture 28 - Functions
- CS 352 Lecture 27 - If * 3
- CS 352 Lecture 26 - If++
- CS 352 Lecture 25 - Branching
- CS 352 Lecture 24 - Memory and Branching
- CS 352 Lecture 23 - Hello ARM, For Real
- CS 352 Lecture 22 - Hello, ARM
- CS 352 Lecture 21 - Assembler Cont'd
- CS 352 Lecture 20 - Assembler
- CS 352 Lecture 19 - Jumping
- CS 352 Lecture 18 - Alumem and Jumping
- CS 352 Lecture 17 - Catchup
- CS 352 Lecture 16 - Hack Assembly Cont'd
- CS 352 Lecture 15 - Hack Assembly
- CS 352 Lecture 14 - Program Counter
- CS 352 Lecture 12 - ALU
- CS 352 Lecture 11 - Subtracting
- CS 352 Lecture 10 - Adders
- CS 352 Lecture 9 - Muxes, Demuxes, and HDL
- CS 352 Lecture 8 - 7-Segment Logic
- CS 352 Lecture 7 - Karnaugh Maps
- CS 352 Lecture 6 - Transistors and Diagrams
- CS 352 Lecture 5 - Makefiles
- CS 352 Lecture 4 - Relays
- CS 352 Lecture 3 - Electricity for Computer Scientists
- CS 352 Lecture 2 - Bases
- CS 352 Lecture 1 - Alien Protocols
- CS 352 Homework 6 - Nogramming - due before December 19
- CS 352 Homework 5 - Armoir - due before December 16
- CS 352 Homework 4 - Bleak - due before November 15
- CS 352 Homework 4 - Computer - not due ever
- CS 352 Homework 3 - Alumem - due before October 24
- CS 352 Homework 2 - Gates - due before Thursday, October 13
- CS 352 Homework 1 - Baseball - due before September 26
- CS 352 Homework 0, Part 3
- CS 352 Homework 0, Part 2
- CS 352 Homework 0, Part 1