teaching machines

CS 352 Lecture 1 – Alien Protocols

Dear students, Welcome to CS 352: Computer Architecture. Ernest Hemingway is said to have written a story in just six words: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” The story of this class can be stated with just two words: “Abstractions leak.” Our forebears have worked very hard to make computers understand our computational desires at […]

CS 491 Meeting 1: Game Development for Computer Science Education

Dear students, Welcome to CS 491: Game Development for Computer Science Education. I summarize this class with one sentence: let’s teach machines to teach people. This is a project-based class—meaning that we will spend very little time in lecture and a lot of time building games to help people learn computer science concepts. This class […]

Picturing Git

It took me a few years of using Git before I started to understand what I was doing. In the hopes that I can shorten that time for you, I share here a description of the mental model that I’ve developed of how it works in the classes that I teach. One-time Setup Before the […]

CS 352 Homework 0, Part 1

In this course, you will be completing your homework using the Linux operating system. The Department of Computer Science does provide some Linux servers that you can use, but your instructor asks you to install your own Linux image for a few reasons: You will learn more about a technology whose impact on our field […]

CS 145 Homework 7 – due before December 21

See the PDF.

CS 145 Homework 6 – due before December 9

See the PDF.

CS 145 Homework 5 – due before November 24

See the PDF.

CS 145 Homework 4 – due before November 11

See the PDF.

CS 145 Homework 3 – due before October 26

See the PDF.

CS 145 Homework 2 – due before October 10

See the PDF.

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