teaching machines


Embedding Madeup Client

I’m working on embedding the Madeup web client in other contexts, like blog posts. Do you see a cornflower blue cube below that you can rotate?

CS 330 Lecture 20 – Weak Typing in C

Agenda what ?s weak typing examples array allocation big endian is negative check for floats unions “polymorphism” in C TODO The midterm exam will be during class next Wednesday. General topics we’ve covered include the shell, regular expressions, grammars, abstract syntax trees, the mechanics of assembly, and type systems through the lens of C. Exam […]

CS 491 Lecture 13 – Navigation

TODO Work on your third person camera game. Break your spring! Lab Today we’ll finish up our tank coloring game at long last. We’ll add a win condition (all the tanks are the same color) and let Unity’s navigation AI system control all the tanks but the one the player has claimed. Grab Base We’re all […]

CS 491 Homework 2 – Third Person – due before April 8

See the PDF.

CS 330 Homework – Bleakr – due before April 6

See the PDF.

Honors 104.502 Lecture 13 – Platformer

Agenda what ?s platformer spritesheets movement animation states TODO Watch Creating a Basic Platformer Game. On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions or observations. Note … Code …

Honors 104.502 Lab 5 – Robot Platformer

Today we make a little platformer. We’ll investigating using spritesheets, animations, and physics as we make a robot move around to collect its missing washers. Checkpoint 1 Person A types. Create a new project. Robot Let’s start by getting our robot in the game, much as we did in the last lecture. First, add an empty […]

CS 330 Lecture 19 – Weak Typing in C

Agenda what ?s program this weak typing examples array allocation big endian is negative check for floats unions “polymorphism” in C TODO The midterm exam will be during class next Wednesday. General topics we’ve covered include the shell, regular expressions, grammars, abstract syntax trees, the mechanics of assembly, and type systems through the lens of […]

CS 330 Lecture 18 – Types

Agenda what ?s midterm date? the qualities of type systems explicit vs. implicit static vs. dynamic strong vs. weak casting atoi itoa weak typing examples TODO Browse the C FAQ. On a 1/4 sheet, briefly describe three questions that surprise, disturb, enlighten, or otherwise interest you. Note Let’s start with a Fill in the Blank… Types are […]

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