teaching machines

CS 491 Lecture 19 – Box Modeling

TODO Watch this video on modeling a figure in Blender. (I’ve picked this one because it has less magic and professional intimidation than many I’ve seen.) No 1/4 sheet is due, but next class you will be assigned a 1-blugold homework to animate a human figure. Lab Today in lab your task is to model one […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 19 – Terrain and First-person Controller

Agenda what ?s model this on to 3D terrain custom first-person controller: strafing advancing adjusting height mouse rotation TODO Watch Unity’s Introduction to Heightmaps Live Training. On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions or observations or plans for your final project. (The final project will be a 3D game. Are there particular things you’d […]

CS 330 Lecture 27 – Map, Filter, and Point-free

Agenda what ?s special case of list comprehension: map map examples filter pattern partial function evaluation point-free style TODO Read chapter 6 on higher-order functions in Learn You a Haskell for a Great Good. On a 1/4 sheet, write any questions or observations you have plus a function named fgmax that accepts two functions and a list. […]

Tyrannosaurus Rex

I assigned this model to my students in 3D Game Development the other day: This is his T-pose.

CS 330 Lecture 26 – List Comprehensions and Map

Agenda what ?s list comprehensions translating between list comprehensions and loops (js2coffee) a special case of list comprehensions: map TODO Start the Funfun homework. Note Last time we spent most of the lecture discussing our Program This problem. So, it’s today that we jump into discussing list comprehensions. We start by looking at the template of imperative […]

CS 330 Homework – Funfun – due before April 25

See the PDF.

Honors 104.502 Lecture 17 – Bombs

Agenda what ?s obstacles in games a wall of blocks bomb mechanic point effector multiple colliders droppable prefab Code 52d8168

Honors 104.502 Lecture 16 – Parallax

Agenda what ?s what makes us see depth? moving backgrounds sprites vs. textures texture coordinates mapping player position to texture coordinate background and midground Code caef902

CS 491 Lecture 18 – Animations from Blender

TODO A game developer working at a big company may not do much animating, but animation is still a significant part of making games. A developer who knows how to make models move will feel powerful, will make their friends swoon, and will better understand game technology. So, we include it in this class. Before we starting […]

CS 330 Lecture 25 – List Comprehensions and Map

Agenda what ?s program this list comprehensions translating between list comprehensions and imperative loops map Note We start with a Program This to gel our understanding of Haskell function structure: Write function indexOf, which accepts a needle and haystack, and returns where the needle lives in the haystack. If the needle can’t be found, it […]

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