teaching machines

CS 145 Lecture 42 – System.exit

Agenda what ?s discuss this The Feeling of Power TODO Coursera Udacity Unity Discuss This What is computer science? What can computers do? What can’t they do? What should they do? What shouldn’t they do? What role do humans have in a society built by technology? Haiku

CS 145 Lecture 41 – WiiSnake

Agenda what ?s President Obama on Computer Science Education Week WiiSnake TODO Prepare for the final exam, which is Wednesday, 5-6:50 PM. The exam will be 45 questions taken from previous quizzes. Bring only a writing utensil and brain—no notes, books, or otherwise. Your quizzes are available on D2L. (See Piazza posts if you have trouble […]

CS 145 Lecture 40 – Implementing ArrayList

Agenda what ?s rolling our own ArrayList evaluations Code StringList.java Haiku

Limiting Execution Time in a Shell, Part II

A year ago, I thought I worked around the halting problem. I have students’ code that I need to grade, but sometimes they slip in an infinite loop. This really messes up automated grading. I wrote a shell script that would run their code for X seconds, killing their process if necessary. Sadly, I went to […]

CS 145 Lecture 39 – Volume Slicer

Agenda what ?s sequencer volume slicer TODO Prepare a question for the last quiz during Monday’s lab. Worth a 1/4 sheet. Credit will only be awarded to those who share, so you may want to have several prepared, in case one gets asked by someone else. Last quarter sheet of the semester: compose a headline (as […]

CS 145 Lecture 38 – Sequencer

Agenda what ?s instance vs. local vs. static compose this sequencer TODO An extra credit Weekly Outside Problem will be emailed to you later today. This last one is a little survey about your reaction to and interest in computer science, and I’d really appreciate your feedback even if you don’t need the extra credit. […]

CS 396 Lecture

Agenda what ?s Eric Fischer of Intel TODO Share two observations or questions you took away from our discussion with Intel. Browse How College Graduates Solve Information Problems Once They Join the Workplace. A summary video is available. What do you think? Turn these in on one 1/4 sheet at the beginning of next class.

CS 145 Lecture 37 – This, Local, Instance, Static

Agenda what ?s program this you might need this local vs. static vs. instance Program This Write a Set object. Sets are collections of values where repeats are ignored. Sets are useful for managing digital photos (where reimporting from a camera wastes resources and creates confusion), for building concordances (lists of words used in a […]

CS 145 Homework 7 – due before December 6 or 13

See the PDF.

CS 145 Lecture 36 – Android

Agenda what ?s event-driven programming bubble wrap popper Android’s view system callbacks resource management touch events Code activity_main.xml MainActivity.java PopperView.java Haiku

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