teaching machines

CS 330 Lecture 3 – Make

Agenda what ?s what does this do? graph this capturing shell sequences with make TODO Try out Ruby at http://tryruby.org. Watch a mini-documentary about Grace Hopper, creator of Cobol, one of the first high-level languages. Respond to these on a 1/4 sheet with 3-4 observations or questions. What Does This Do? Graph Compose a graph showing the dependencies between […]

CS 455 Lecture 2 – Triangles

Agenda what ?s a history of OpenGL an overview of the graphics pipeline some models TODO Before next class: Complete the lab exercise below and send in a screenshot of your main’s console output. Before next Thursday: Read some tutorials or watch some videos on 3-D modeling. (Neal Hirsig offers a complete course.) Build a model of your choosing […]

The Shallow End of Languages

Learning a foreign language for the first time? Start with Esperanto: The results of these studies … demonstrated that studying Esperanto before another foreign language expedites the acquisition of the other, natural, language. This appears to be because learning subsequent foreign languages is easier than learning one’s first foreign language, whereas the use of a grammatically simple […]

CS 330 Lecture 2 – Hello, Shell

Agenda what ?s some shell exercises tell me something you know about the shell the UNIX way TODO Set your homework repository. Read Shell Programming with Bash. 1/4 sheet: share 3-4 questions or observations about shells or Bitbucket. I offer you some optional challenge problems, which may be solved with one line of shell code: You […]

CS 455 Lecture 1 – Vector

Agenda what ?s introductions meta program this Who are you? On a 1/4 sheet of paper, please answer the following questions: What’s your name? What city do you call home? What software have you developed that is most memorable? What do you hope to be able to do with what we learn in this class? […]

CS 330 Lecture 1 – Introduction

Agenda what ?s introductions meta define this tell me something you know about the shell Who are you? On a 1/4 sheet of paper, briefly answer these questions: What’s your name? What city do you call home? Suppose work and school were canceled for a year and you were given the freedom to work full-time on some task of […]

CS 455 – Computer Graphics

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: 19 Lecture Homework Post Mortems

CS 330 – Programming Languages

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: 58 Lecture Homework Exams

Fall 2014 Commit Logs

This past fall, I taught an introductory programming class in which students managed their code with Bitbucket. I had decided the problems I was sure to encounter foisting version control on first-semester students were not worse than the problems I was sure to encounter by asking them to manage their own local workspaces and submit via clunky submission systems, and the eventual payoffs […]

Bruner on the Power of Writing and Mathematics

I’d seen Jerome Bruner’s Towards a Theory of Instruction recommended somewhere, and my library had a well-worn copy of just waiting to be read. Bruner himself is apparently also well-worn. He was born in 1915—and is apparently still teaching! Much of what Bruner has to say revolves around active learning. Probably this book was more revolutionary for its […]

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