teaching machines

CS 330 Lecture 8 – Regex Closeout

Agenda what ?s regex bingo a few more examples links between images double-spaces between sentences finding repeats ith field TODO Right now: You and a partner make a 4×4 grid of randomly generated strings. Include upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, whitespace, and punctuation. Keep the strings short. There’s no free space. Before Friday: Familiarize yourself […]

CS 455 Lecture 5 – Indexed Geometry and OBJ Models

Agenda what ?s filled geometry GL_TRIANGLES reading in an OBJ model TODO Before next class: Lab: tweak our model renderer to allow the user to toggle between a wireframe and filled display of our model. See glPolygonMode. Participation: Next lecture we’re going to build a Matrix class to help us represent our transformations. Before that, […]

CS 330 Lecture 7 – Regex Cont’d

Agenda what ?s what does this do? substitution capturing lookaround assertions TODO 1/4 sheet: Try your hand at Regex Golf. Report some of your regices and your score. What Does This Do? Code arithmetic.txt calc.rb music.rb Haiku

CS 330 Regexercise Homework – due before February 20

See the PDF.

CS 330 Lecture 6 – Regex in Ruby

Agenda what ?s visualizing regex with Regexper asserting filtering with scan, grep, etc. substitutions TODO Start the Regexercise homework. At least the first two problems must be completed before February 20. Remember to follow the Bitbucket workflow. I encourage you to commit and push frequently—do not wait until you’ve got everything working. Code isa.rb nofoo.rb nocomments.rb […]

CS 455 Lecture 4 – Transforms and Indexed Geometry

Agenda what ?s translating scaling rotating indexed geometry TODO On a quarter sheet, solve this matrix multiplication problem: More important than the right answer is the mechanics of the multiplication. Show at least some of your work! With a partner: augment the second renderer to create some rotating non-plane geometric shape of your choosing. Some […]

CS 455 Homework 1 – Gaussian Pox

See the PDF.

CS 330 Lecture 5 – State Machines

Agenda what ?s state machines regex parts and pieces atoms alternation grouping quantifiers anchors TODO Write on a 1/4 sheet a Ruby method filter that accepts an array and a block as parameters. It returns an array containing only the elements for which the block returns true. The first homework will be assigned on Friday. […]

CS 455 Lecture 3 – An Interactive Renderer

Agenda what ?s goal: an interactive renderer vertex attributes: per vertex state position color texture coordinates ambient occlusion normals you name it shader programs drawable objects = vertex attributes + shader program uniforms: per draw state handling key events handling mouse events TODO Before next class: On your own: read some tutorials or watch some videos […]

CS 330 Lecture 4 – Ruby

Agenda what ?s language features Ruby via examples TODO Walk through RegexOne. On a 1/4 sheet, draft some regular expressions that match the following: Lines ending with a hyphenated word. Words with an internal uppercase letter. Lines lacking a semi-colon at their close. Don’t match lines that have a semi-colon followed by whitespace. Instances of […]

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