teaching machines

Model Figure: Penguin – Hannah

In the spirit of the season :) (and I love penguins!)

Heart Hook Blender Model – Hannah

I modeled this heart-shaped hook. I didn’t have the hook with me when I actually made the model, so the shape and sizingĀ is off a little bit, but the general shape is there!

Home and MyWeb Screens – First Draft

Summary of recent work: I have created the home screen you see when you log in/open the applicationĀ (with four options: My Web, Everyone’s Webs, Questions for the Community, and Need Help?) and the My Web screen with dummy icons. I used the My Web screen Chris first built to build this version, but modified it […]

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat game for Michael and Hannah. http://www.twodee.org/teaching/honors304-503/2012C/homework/hm/

Castle Escape

HAAM interactive fiction: http://iplayif.com/?story=http%3A//www.twodee.org/teaching/honors304-503/2012C/homework/haam.zblorb

Database Script

I made a database script for an Oracle database for the model I produced, but I don’t know the credentials to log in and test it, so it isn’t tested. I’m also a little rusty on my database skills, so I apologize if there are any obvious errors in my script!   DROP TABLE aphasia_comment […]

Database Model

  I updated this model based on what we said during our last meeting (adding post/comment read tables, date for comments, user is locked and user image address attributes). I also added a category is public attribute because Heather would like the functionality for a whole category (diary) to be private.

Pre-Meeting Notes 9/25/12

Hello Team, just wanted to send a quick update before the meeting tomorrow. So…Heather and I met this evening to work on finishing our story board that we worked on this past week. However, Heather met with Dr. Heopner this morning and they decided the application should be less “linear,” or really less like Facebook’s […]

Storyboard – First Day

Heather and I met today (Thursday, 9/20) and laid out our ideas for the storyboard for logging in and adding an entry to a user’s “My Story.” We implemented the idea of giving the individual with Aphasia a “guided experience,” or basically one decision per screen, to keep it as simple as possible for the […]

HAAM Video

Modern Marriage – What they say…and what they are really thinking! What they say…and what they are really thinking! This movie depicts a modern married couple having typical conversation. However, it also incorporates (when the characters are displayed alone) what they are each thinking throughout the conversation, which hopefully provides a good laugh for viewers! […]

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