teaching machines

petza Cube Manipulation, AKA why do i exist

I started to feel bad for the cube. It must be in so much pain.

Cube Manipulation


CS 330 Lecture 7 – Regex: Replacement with Blocks

Agenda what ?s program this gsub examples src2html eval’ing embedded math regex bingo TODO Right now: You and a partner make a 4×4 grid of randomly generated strings. Include upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, whitespace, and punctuation. Keep the strings short. There’s no free space. Before Wednesday: Familiarize yourself with grammars and ANTLR. Read Grammar: The […]

Honors 104.502 Lab 2 – Snake

When people start making games, they usually start with TicTacToe. I can’t do that to you. TicTacToe, like War, gives the illusion of player interaction but is far too deterministic. Today we’ll implement the second game that many people make: Snake. Find a parter and make sure you have access to a computer with Unity installed. Checkpoint 1 […]

Cube edit

CS 330 Lecture 6 – Regex: Capturing and Substituting

Agenda what ?s what is a regex? capturing substituting TODO For an extra credit quarter sheet, do these two things: Get at least 1000 points at Regex Golf. Don’t look up the answers anywhere. Start a post on Piazza sharing your solutions. Create your own level by clicking on the Help button in the navigation bar. Share […]

My Cube Model (2/4/16 Lab)

CS 491 Lecture 4 – Terrain

TODO For Tuesday, watch Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 of the Blender 3D Design Course. Again, feel free to speed these up with a browser plugin. For a participation point, start with a simple cube and create something interesting by manipulating it in edit mode using any of the tools—but no modifiers. Post an image of […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 4 – BeatnPath

Agenda what ?s switcharoo BeatnPath TODO The first homework is posted. It’s due before March 1. Watch as much as you can of Unity’s UFO tutorial. Read chapters 4 and 5. For Monday, write down 2-3 questions or observations from your watching and reading on a 1/4 sheet. Note We’re going to switch up lecture […]

CS 330 Lecture 5 – Regex

Agenda what ?s regex anatomy regex operations assert match (=~) find match (capturing groups) find all matches (scan, grep) replace matches (sub, gsub) TODO Walk through RegexOne. On a 1/4 sheet, draft some regular expressions (and just the expressions) that match the following: Lines ending with a hyphenated word. Words with an internal uppercase letter. […]

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