teaching machines

CS 491 Lecture 1 – Hello, 3D

Agenda what ?s about me you the course trivia fun TODO Install Unity3D and Blender. Read the syllabus. Watch lesson 1 of the Blender 3D Design Course. (I installed the Chrome plugin Video Speed Controller to make Vimeo videos play faster.) Write down 2-3 questions or observations about Blender, 3D modeling, or the course in general […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 1 – Hello, Code

Agenda what ?s about me you this class design this programming in Madeup TODO Before next class: Install Unity3D. Read the introduction through chapter 2 in your book. Write down 2-3 observations from your reading on a 1/4 sheet of paper. These are open-ended and needn’t be lengthy. I will assign these 1/4 sheets frequently, […]

CS 330 Lecture 1 – Hello, Shell

Agenda what ?s about.. me you this class questions shell exercises TODO Before next class: Read the syllabus. Set up a Bitbucket account and make your homework repository, described below. Cut a piece of paper in half vertically. Cut the two strips in half again, horizontally. On one of these 1/4 sheets of paper, write down […]

CS 491 – 3D Game Development

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: 27 Lecture Homework Student Gallery

Honors 104.502 – Game Development

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: 17 Lectures Labs Homeworks Student Gallery

CS 330 – Programming Languages

Course Information Syllabus Enrollment: 24 Lecture Homework Exams

Commit Logs

It’s time for another installment of Commit Logs, in which I share a selection of log comments left by my students when they commit their work. I’m fascinated by this condensed slurry of feelings we hold throughout the development cycle.

Arcade 0x796 and Platformer

‘space’ to fire, ‘f’ to flip The background used in the platformer was from opengameart, same with character animations, though I did edit them quite a bit…

Office Escape

A top down adventure! If you get stuck, here are some cheats! First, hit “m” and “t” simultaneously to enable cheats.  To enable/ disable invincibility, hit “i” after enabling the cheats. If you would like to jump to the next level, hit “p” after enabling the cheats. Remember to have fun, and enjoy the haiku […]

Zombie Game

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