teaching machines

Levenshtein distance

We’re looking at methods for comparing the distance between two sequences of text. A fairly simple one is Levenshtein distance, which calculates how many edits it takes to go from one string to another. I wrote a little calculator to demonstrate its results. Enter two words and calculate their distance. Cell (i, j) reports the minimum […]

Timing Android voice recognition

I was curious whether the EXTRA_MAX_RESULTS value affected the time it takes to get voice recognition results back to an Android device, so I ran a couple of quick tests. In the first, I spoke the phrase “Binky the ball bounced away” a few times each for different EXTRA_MAX_RESULTS settings. I tried 1, 5, 20, […]

Otolith Threshold and GUI

Winston and I made progress on thresholding the images and getting user input. The currently committed version takes in a (hard coded) image path and displays the image with a binary threshold, with a check value of 90. In the GUI, there is a slider that allows the user to change the check value to […]

Canny Algorithm edge detection

Last week I started reading sections of the OpenCV book given to me by Professor Johnson and Stevenson. The sections I read with had to deal with edge detection and gray scaling (required for the Canny Algorithm). I expanded upon my previous code for loading in an image to do this.   // OpenCVConfiguration.cpp : Defines the entry […]

Project configuration

While waiting to hear back from ORSP, we are taking the time to find a sustainable solution for managing our project across multiple platforms and machines. We really want to share code without emailing it. We also want to avoid fiddling with Visual Studio as much as possible. For this, we’ve chosen to use TortoiseSVN […]

OpenCV Set Up

After several tutorial tries, I was able to install it successfully on windows with the same tutorial install of OpenCV that Corey used. The step by step process is listed in the following link:  http://siddhantahuja.wordpress.com/2011/07/18/getting-started-with-opencv-2-3-in-microsoft-visual-studio-2010-in-windows-7-64-bit/ I then started to play around with the libraries. I was able to load in an image to a window.   // OpenCVConfiguration.cpp : Defines the entry point for […]

Voice recognition sans dialog box

Android provides a nice speech recognition system. Many examples show how you can push out an ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH intent to trigger an Activity that shows the listening status on a big dialog box. I wanted speech recognition without the dialog box and was able to do so with the following code: The XML layout defines a […]

Installing OpenCV on Linux

I was able to get OpenCV installed without too much trouble on my Ubuntu Linux machine. A simple did the trick. I tested the installation by writing a short C program to pop up an image: To test video playback and webcam capturing, I wrote another little program to play a video frame-by-frame: I compiled […]