teaching machines

Homework 2 – Zebrary book scanner

Zebrary is a simple book-cataloging application that uses the camera of a device and an open-source barcode image processing library called ZXing (pronounced “Zebra Crossing”).  The camera is to scan the barcode of a book, ZXing reads the ISBN number, and the Google Books API is used to gather bibliographic information about the volume, including […]

Homework 2 – hardymar – To-do List

For this homework assignment I decided to make a To-do app. The app has three activities. The Main Activity, Add Activity and Edit Activity. The Main Activity contains the list of all current tasks in the to-do list. A task has a name, a due date, an icon representing it’s state and a priority between 1-5. Depending on […]

CS 145 Lecture 11 – Conditionals

Agenda how’d the exam go? what does this do? conditionals in Secret Maryo Chronicles pluralizing generating a star generating an ordinal number categorizing light — if/else if What does this do? Code Conditional.java package lecture; public class Conditional { public static void main(String[] args) { star(100); System.out.println(pluralize(“Nick”, 42)); System.out.println(pluralize(“Nick”, 1)); System.out.println(pluralize(“Nick”, -1)); System.out.println(pluralize(“Nick”, -87)); } […]

CS 145 Lab 6

Reminder Please submit your completed lab 5 checkpoints in the first 20 minutes of this lab. Logical operators In lecture we’ve explored the logical operators &&, ||, and !. These operators are as important to a programmer as a screwdriver and hammer are to a mechanic. Do whatever you can to learn their use. Like […]

CS 145 Homework 2 – due before 11/2

See the PDF. When you download speccheck_hw2.jar, make sure the filename ends in “.jar”.

CS 491 Lecture 11 – Lonely Phone

Agenda write an app to encourage people to lock their phones up meet Services use sensors to detect a “supine” phone meet BroadcastReceivers Goal Our goal today is to write an app I call Lonely Phone. It’s a prank app that you should install on other people’s phones. It’s functionality is to beep whenever the […]

CS 145 Lecture 10 – Midterm 1 review

Things to know The test is hand-written. You may write SOP instead of System.out.println. You need not import any classes. The front page of the exam will contain compact documentation for the Scanner, Random, and String classes. A strategy: on questions where you are asked to write a method, write the method signature first, not […]

CS 145 Preassignment 2 – due before 10/19

See the PDF. When you download speccheck_pre2.jar, make sure the filename ends in “.jar”.

CS 145 Lecture 9

Agenda compound booleans logical operators && and || ensuring a number in a range stopping a command loop projectiles writing our own String.indexOf if/else statements Code LogicalFun.java package lecture; import java.util.Scanner; public class LogicalFun { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean isMrRight; boolean isTall = false; boolean isDark = false; boolean isHandsome = false; […]

CS 491 Lecture 10 – Rattle Part III

Agenda why wouldn’t it play? creating a custom adapter getting results from an Activity triggering a list update catching forgot-to-save adding a contextual menu writing out a ringtone Cleanup I’ve cleaned up a few things since last time. I added a Play button to the EditActivity, pushed the song-playing routine out to a Utilities class, […]

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