teaching machines


This app is for a casual laugh, or for the more superstitious, a means for advice.  It is a fortune cookie app that starts with 4 preloaded fortunes (I know, I know, I went all out!) that also lets you add in your own fortunes. You can single click the listed fortune to delete it.  […]


I made a simple note taking app the shadows the Rattler interface (due to time crunch).             Basically you are able to create simple notes to yourself that include a basic subject title as well as the body text.  The user is able to delete any note from the main screen by pressing on the […]


My app was a rather fun(ny) app to make, it is a stand up comedy clip app. The general goal of the app is to provide users with a list of comedy clips they can click on and listen to. Ideally this app would ultimately be able to download new clips for some online database […]

crakerbr homework 2: OrderUp

    My goal was to create a program that could be used in a restaurant situation to track orders and add items from the menu to an order list. My database has two tables. One is for menu items and contains the name, a brief description, and the cost of the item. The other table […]

Exportable Machine List

This app is for the on-the-go business man looking to log all the printing devices at location and be able to export his results so that they can manipulate the data in excel.  My main activity gets the database if there is one and then populates the screen with a list of items that are […]

Homework 2– stackhcj

For this homework, I decided to make an application that recorded the distance you (or rather your phone) has gone using the GPS function on the phone. I had originally made this application with the idea of the user using it to track the amount of time it takes them to run a certain distance. […]

CS491: Homework02 xiongchu

I implemented an application that scans Universal Product Codes (UPC). The user is then allowed to insert information about the product and store the UPC, brand name, product name, and a small description of the product into a SQLite database. I used ZXing’s (Zebra Crossing) Barcode Scanner application to do the UPC scanning. My application […]

CS491 – Homework 2 “Cribbage Statician” – Brian Kendzior

The goal for the CribbageStatician is to allow users to seemlessly play games of cribbage and record their points into the app. The app will then keep track of the individual scores for games and correctly notify players when 120 points has been reached. At the end of each round, the statistics are recorded into […]

leggitns Homework 2: When Click Listeners Strike Back (TaskMan)

As you may gather from the title, click listeners were acting up in my project.   The intent of this project was to create a very simple Task Tracker that would allow users to use a list view to see a list of tasks, click a task to get deeper details and to edit the […]

CS 491 Lecture 12 – Wevents Part I

Agenda design an app for managing family events hook up to a remote database merge PostgreSQL, PHP, JSON, and Android Wevents One of you stated in your list of desired app-knowledge that you wanted a shared calendar. Another of you shared in lecture that you wanted to talk about hooking up to a remote database. […]

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