teaching machines

CS 245 Lecture 7 – Custom Drawing

Agenda Design This inheriting from JPanel to do custom drawing Sketcher Program This recursion Design This Program This Recipe for Custom Drawing Extend JPanel and override paintComponent: Code Person.java GoodPerson.java Sketcher.java SketcherWidget.java StringUtilities.java Haiku

CS 491 Lecture 7 – List Views

Agenda single letter domain names list views two letter domain name app in iOS and Android TODO Read up on Android’s Intent mechanism at http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidIntent/article.html. 1/4 sheet. Mobile User Interface Code ViewController.m activity_main.xml MainActivity.java Haiku

CS 491 Lecture 6 – Group Time

Agenda group time TODO Skim Apple’s table view documentation. Skim a tutorial on Android’s ListView. 1/4 sheet. Hash Out Does someone want to be the iOS person? The Android person? The database person? The server person? The manager? Do we want to share roles? How can we ensure everyone knows what’s going on? What project […]

CS 245 Lecture 6 – Inheritance

Agenda reusing more than signatures ToasterPlus a Raffle Drawer TODO  Read chapter 5 in Core Java, through section 5.1. 1/4 sheet. Inheritance Interface inheritance: reuse method signatures so that generalized code can operate on our classes. This lets old code call new code. Implementation inheritance: reuse method signatures and bodies so that we can extend […]

CS 245 Lab 3 – Interfaces

First, if you have checkpoints left over from last lab, get them inspected during the first 15 minutes of this lab. Don’t forget to work in pairs! Where possible, please work with someone that you did not work with last week. The exchange of new ideas and perspectives is not an opportunity you want to […]

CS 491 Lecture 5 – Easier GUIs and Callbacks

Agenda the GUI development algorithm ClickAndSee on iOS ClickAndSee on Android TODO Read sections Overview, Layouts, Input Controls, and Input Events in the Android documentation. Read Apple’s UI element documentation. 1/4 sheet. Code ViewController.m AndroidManifest.xml activity_main.xml MainActivity.java Haiku

CS 245 Lecture 5 – Calculator continued

Agenda finishing up calculator TODO Continue working on preassignment. Code CalculatorGUI.java Haiku

CS 491 Lecture 4 – DroidPopper

Agenda Droid Popper views and activities configuration-sensitive resources multitouch media player Code PopperView.java MainActivity.java main.xml AndroidManifest.xml Haiku

CS 245 Lecture 4 – Calculator

Agenda specchecker example calculator free-for-all TODO Work on preassignment 1. No 1/4 sheet. Code CalculatorGUI.java Haiku

CS 245 Preassignment 1 – due before September 24

See the PDF.

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