teaching machines

CS 330 Lecture 2 – Shell Scripts and Redirection

Agenda shell builtin variables interpolation custom variables reusing output meday custom scripts PATH permissions change extension 1+ files at a time command-line arguments resizing a bunch of images with convert checking for mail STDIN and STDOUT and STDERR output redirection pipes subshells The Unix way Doug McIlroy said: This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do […]

CS 455 Lecture 2 – Game Loop and Three Classes

Before class Game Loop Watch http://youtu.be/mI2CSvB1gJU. Read some of http://www.opengl.org/documentation/specs/glut/spec3/spec3.html to get some background on the game loop and windowing system library we’ll be using. Specifically, read sections 1, 3, 4.[156], and 7.[1345]. Three Classes Watch http://youtu.be/daAC6BwwUBI. Read pages 18-34 in the text. (Skim sections on GLEW and GLM. GLEW we’ll use, but GLM we won’t. A lot […]

CS 330 Lecture 1 – Shello

Agenda meta shell basics echo, cat, bc, head, tail, cut, grep man pages paths changing working directories shell builtin variables tab completion interpolation custom variables reusing output PATH command-line arguments Who are you? Name? Where from? Last unassigned book you read? If not computers, what? Setting your shell I’m not certain what your shell program is. […]

CS 455 Lecture 1 – Meta and Learn C++ in 75 Minutes

Agenda meta C++ review TODO Read the syllabus Complete the lesson I send out later today via email About you Your name? Last unassigned book you read? Where are you from? If not computers, what? This course… is about interactive 3-D graphics uses OpenGL has one long-running project is archived on this blog is flipped […]

CS 455 Homework – Walkabout

See the PDF.

CS 455 – Computer Graphics

Information Syllabus Enrollment: 21 RSS feed Lectures Homeworks Post mortems

CS 330 – Programming Languages

Information Syllabus Enrollment: 49 RSS feed Lectures Homeworks Exams

CS 455 Presentation – Transform Feedback

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDGc87Ik_PU&w=420&h=315] Hello Everyone! We are Alex Ecker and Aaron Emmert and our presentation is on OpenGL’s Transform Feedback ability. Hopefully the video covered everything you need to know. If you want a copy of the slideshow in the video, you can grab a copy here! We did plan an in-class exercise for everyone too! […]

Visual Studio, CMake, and OpenGL

I am not familiar with the Windows development environment (and I don’t feel like I need to be). For this reason, I do not enjoy developing software on Windows. However, Windows is what we have available to us in Phillips 115. In this post I will describe how I get around having to know Windows […]

SpheroDraw – Luke Mehring, Andy Hurd, Travis Boettcher

Group: Andy Hurd, Travis Boettcher, Luke Mehring   For our final we created a Sphero app the allows the user to draw a shape/design on the screen and the Sphero will move on the ground in the pattern the user drew.  We also added the functionality to save a pattern you drew on the screen.  Once the […]

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