CS 318: Project Prototype – due April 23
Your next milestone in the project is to create a digital prototype for your site. You will present this prototype to randomly assigned classmates for an initial evaluation. Task 1: Create a Prototype Create a first draft of your site in a folder named prototype1 in your GitHub project. Name this directory exactly; no spaces, […]
CS 318: Project Mockup – due on March 28
Your next milestone in the project is to create mockups for each page of your site. You will then present these mockups to your client for initial feedback. Task 1: Create Mockups Use Moqups to create a mockup for each page of your site. For each page that will have significantly different desktop and mobile […]
CS 318: WordPress for March
Your task for March is style your blog with some CSS and write five posts about topics of your choosing. The posts don’t need to be long. Feel free to share poetry, a photo diary, vignettes of your life or someone else’s, baseball commentary, snapshots of your spring break adventures, and so on. Across your […]
CS 318: Project Site Test and Sitemap – due on March 5
Your next task in the semester project comes in two pieces: Conduct user studies on several existing websites similar to the one you will design. Compose a sitemap to describe the overall architecture of your site. We describe each of these in turn. Task 1: Comparable Site Test Identify and familiarize yourself with three existing websites […]
CS 318: WordPress for February
A lot of the world saves time and energy by using a content management system (CMS). These systems allow users that don’t know much about HTML and CSS to still produce beautiful websites. The most frequently used CMS is WordPress, which is responsible for 30% of the web. It accounts for 60% of the CMS […]
CS 318: Project Proposal – due on February 14
In this class, you are asked to apply what you’re learning by building a website for a client. The project is broken down into a series of milestones. The first milestone is to find a client and formally propose your project. Complete the following tasks to achieve this milestone. Task 1: Choose a Client Find […]
CS 491: Project Milestones
This semester you and your team will be dropped into a box. Calories will be dropped in one side of the box, and a game will pop out the other. To help structure your progress, your box is actually expected to pop out four versions of your game in various stages of completion. These milestones […]
CS 330: Homework Wasd – due before May 14
See the PDF.
CS 330: Homework Terp – due before March 5
See the PDF.
CS 330: Homework Ractor – due before April 2
See the PDF.