CS 145 – Introduction to Object-oriented Programming
- Syllabus
- Enrollment: 90
- CS 145 Lecture 25 - Sound
- CS 145 Lecture 24 - Growable arrays
- CS 145 Lecture 23 - Composing with objects
- CS 145 Lecture 22 - Designing objects
- CS 145 Lecture 21 - Our own objects
- CS 145 Lecture 20 - Midterm 2 Review
- CS 145 Lecture 19 - 2-D arrays
- CS 145 Lecture 18 - Searching arrays
- CS 145 Lecture 17 - Arrays
- CS 145 Lecture 16 - Arrays
- CS 145 Lecture 15 - More colliding
- CS 145 Lecture 14 - Testing and conditionals via collision detection
- CS 145 Lecture 13 - Loop tricks
- CS 145 Lecture 12 - Conditionals and file input
- CS 145 Lecture 11 - Conditionals
- CS 145 Lecture 10 - Midterm 1 review
- CS 145 Lecture 9
- CS 145 Lecture 8
- CS 145 Lecture 7
- CS 145 Lecture 6
- CS 145 Lecture 5
- CS 145 Lecture 4
- CS 145 Lecture 3
- CS 145 Lecture 2
- CS 145 Lecture 1
- CS 145 Homework 4 - due before 12/15
- CS 145 Homework 3 - due before 12/7
- CS 145 Preassignment 3 - due before 11/16
- CS 145 Homework 2 - due before 11/2
- CS 145 Preassignment 2 - due before 10/19
- CS 145 Homework 1 - due before Tuesday, 10/4
- CS 145 Preassignment 1 - due before Friday, 9/23
- CS 145 Lab 10
- CS 145 Lab 9
- CS 145 Lab 8
- CS 145 Lab 7
- CS 145 Lab 6
- CS 145 Lab 5
- CS 145 Lab 4
- CS 145 Lab 3
- CS 145 Lab 2
- CS 145 Lab 1