teaching machines

CS 318 Lab 20 – Web Jam

Dear students, Let’s shake things up a bit today. When game developers get together to build a game in a very short amount of time, they call that a game jam. We will have a web jam. I want to devote all of today’s lab time to that, so I won’t be doing any talking. […]

CS 330 Lecture 29 – Haskell IO Cont’d

Dear students, Last time we introduced ourselves to Haskell’s world of purity and its world of side effects. We learned that any value that gets created in the world of side effects is packaged up in an IO wrapper using the return function. We can unpackage such wrappers using the <- operator. We will finish […]

CS 330 Lecture 28 – Haskell IO

Dear students, There are a few ideas we didn’t get to last time. Let’s touch upon those before diving into a discussion of Haskell I/O. First, what about the type signature for fold? Let’s reason it out. We know it will have four parts: three parameters and a return value. fold :: _ -> _ […]

CS 318 Lab 19 – Reform

Dear students, Today we continue to explore forms. Many of you in this class will be professional communicators. Forms are kind of a big deal to you. Books don’t have them. Nor do radio and television. But our websites do. What power! Forms are a doorway; they make the web a two-way street. Your words […]

CS 330 Lecture 27 – Fold

Dear students, Let’s start with a Program This! Complete two of the following functions based on your row number. All of them accept a list. Solve them using the pattern-matching style, with base cases and general cases defined separately. All of them should be two-liners. upped, which generates an uppercase version of the incoming String […]

CS 318 Lab 18 – Forms

Dear students, Thus far we have focused on one half of the communication process: the “speaking” of our ideas to our sites’ visitors. Generally this is not enough. We would like to hear back from our visitors. We want them to join a mailing list, make an order, contribute an idea, vote, and who knows […]

CS 330 Lecture 26 – HOFs Elsewhere and Closures

Dear students, Let’s start with a Program This! Write the necessary Java 8 code to filter a List. Make the code as general as possible, allowing its clients to supply their own filtering criteria. Here’s my solution. To leave a hole in the filtering algorithm, we must leave a parameter for the predicate. We’ll use […]

CS 318 Project – Prototype 1 – due on April 24

Your next milestone in the project is to create a digital prototype for your site. You will present this prototype to randomly assigned classmates for an initial evaluation. Task 1: Create a Prototype Create a first draft of your site in a folder named prototype1 in your GitHub project. Name this directory exactly; no spaces, […]

CS 318 Lab 17 Cont’d – Dropdowns and Tabviews

Dear students, Last time we started implementing dropdown menus. We decided to continue that effort today, though I do want to add one extra and related exercised: a tabbed viewer. Here’s your TODO list: Read chapter 10 in your book. Complete the Codecademy exercise on forms. It is woefully incomplete and it uses single quotes […]

CS 330 Lecture 25 – Filter, Map, and Foreach

Dear students, Let’s start with a Program This: Write in Haskell a function count that accepts a predicate and a list. It yields the number of elements for which the predicate is true. We’d write it like is in an imperative way: count = 0 for each element in list if predicate is true of […]

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