teaching machines

CS 318 Final Presentations

https://kelseybrown.github.io/cs318/final (src) http://yoda.cs.uwec.edu/cs321/students/ehlersmj4814/cs318/final/index.php (src) https://farleysm8909.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://rileyj9084.github.io/CS318/final (src) https://gorellak.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://grosskjl2663.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://grossme5161.github.io/CS318/final (src) https://untrustedlife.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://hannaske.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://hayley09.github.io/CS318/final (src) https://ach0261.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://nickjohnston1625.github.io/CS318/final (src) https://jbmoss84.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://lathertb.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://lexamarie25.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://jonathan0606.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://michaeaj1.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://northke.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://travisnyhus.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://jamieorourke.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://quaranpn4020.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://sarknik.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://snelldj.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://swieciam5708.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://thaoamanda.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://meganzak.github.io/cs318/final (src) https://zimmerab.github.io/cs318/final (src)

Job-shadowing Mr. Kurt

Today I job-shadowed Mr. Kurt, a 4th and 5th grade teacher at the Chippewa Valley Montessori School. I am not looking to become an elementary school teacher. I just wanted to see how someone spends the entire day with such undeveloped brains and bodies. As a university professor, teachers of this age group instantly have […]

CS 330 Lecture 39 – Exit

Dear students, Today we close out our formal exploration of the stuff of programming languages. This is what we said we’d look into in the syllabus: Recognize and exploit the strengths of three major programming paradigms: imperative, functional, and object-oriented. Reason about the strengths and weaknesses of various type systems. Weigh the costs and benefits […]

CS 318 Lab 26 – Peer Review

Dear students, Today is peer review day. You will examine three peers projects and give anonymous written feedback. You will spend 15 minutes examining each site in detail. Look for functional issues. Try to break it by resizing the window and locate weird interactions with links or menus. Look for aesthetic issues. Do the colors […]

CS 330 Lecture 38 – Metaprogramming in Java

Dear students, Last time we saw how we could add a hook in Ruby so that when a non-existent method is called on a object, we can still execute the desired action. method_missing lets us write really virtual methods—ones that don’t even exist. Our code effectively used information about the method that would have been […]

CS 318 Project – Final Presentation – due on May 18

Your final in this course is to finalize your project, reflect on it, and present a demonstration of your work during the final exam period. Task 1: Finalize Copy your prototype2 folder to a folder named final in your GitHub project. Make any changes based on the second round of peer reviews. Present this final […]

CS 318 Lab 25 – WordPress

Dear students, A lot of the world saves time and energy by using a content management system (CMS). These systems allow users that don’t know much about HTML and CSS to still produce beautiful websites. The most frequently used CMS is WordPress, which is responsible for 27% of the web. It accounts for 60% of […]

CS 330 Lecture 37 – Metaprogramming in Ruby

Dear students, This last week of the semester we enter the crazy world of metaprogramming. What is metaprogramming? Well, there’s been a recurring them in our discussion this semester. C++ pushed very hard to make our data be treated just like builtin data. The classes we write are allowed to be virtually indistinguishable from the […]

RGB Widget

I was sitting in a talk today when something made me think of how we represent colors in terms of red, green, and blue intensities. We often illustrate how these components mix together with a Venn diagram of three circles. The intersection of red and green is yellow, the intersection of green and blue is […]

CS 330 Lecture 36 – Guish Interpreter

Dear students, I am gone to learn about the state of computer science in high schools across Wisconsin. However, since at least one of you objected to my being gone a few times this semester, we continue our discussion of writing our interpreter! We pick up where we left off last lecture. We ended with […]

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