teaching machines

CS 455 Lecture 11 – Perspective and Camera

Before Class Perspective Watch http://youtu.be/k3dhGlAx_DA. For another perspective, read http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_projectionmatrix.html. Camera Watch http://youtu.be/-c62eQ_QpBE. For a similar implementation, read http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk/www/tutorial13/tutorial13.html. In Class It’s time to test out that perspective projection with long corridors. Your task in this class is to code up a maze traverser. Grab the maze.obj file in W455. The entrance to the maze starts roughly at (0, […]

Feature 2 Post Mortem

Generating terrain from a height map was not necessarily a very difficult task, but of course, I managed to make it difficult anyway. Honestly, the craziest part for me was simply figuring out how to actually access the pixel color values of an image. I scoured the web for simple ways to read in a .png file […]

CS 455 Lecture 10 – Terrain and the Diamond Square Algorithm

Before Class Terrain and the Diamond Square Algorithm Watch http://youtu.be/WqnEnkx_svM. Read http://www.gameprogrammer.com/fractal.html. In Class It’s a work day.

CS 455 Lecture 9 – Trackball Interface and Lighting++

Before Class Trackball Interface Watch http://youtu.be/CT1WO7gTls4. Read http://www.opengl.org/wiki/Trackball. Lighting++ Browse https://www.google.com/search?q=cel+shading+opengl&tbm=isch. Watch http://youtu.be/urgJXkjyVIU. Read pages 50-54 and 97-100 in your book. In Class Implement per-fragment toon shading using a positional light source. Use the right-mouse button to place the light source on a virtual sphere centered over your viewport. If you have time, use the left-mouse button to apply trackball […]

CS 455 Project

See the PDF.

CS 455 Lecture 8 – Generating normals, depth testing, and aspect ratios

Before class Generating Normals Watch http://youtu.be/pVt2RUjjgVE. For another perspective, read http://www.emeyex.com/site/tuts/VertexNormals.pdf. Depth testing and aspect ratios Watch http://youtu.be/lQKjWjKGAc0. Read more about hidden surface removal solutions at http://www.cs.sun.ac.za/~lvzijl/courses/rw778/grafika/OpenGLtuts/Big/graphicsnotes009.html. Relish in the z-buffer’s simplicity. In class First, get depth testing and aspect ratio handling in your previous renderer. Next, use W455/sphere.obj to create a satellite/moon orbiting around a planet.

CS 455 Lecture 7 – Diffuse Lighting and Rotational Power

Before Class Dot Product and Diffuse Watch http://youtu.be/WUU_l1IX2As. Watch http://youtu.be/MBSvCUWdOhU. For some other perspectives, read http://ogldev.atspace.co.uk/www/tutorial18/tutorial18.html (stopping at Code Walkthrough) and http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cg_Programming/Unity/Diffuse_Reflection (stopping at Shader Code for One Directional Light Source). Accumulating Transformations and Rotation++ Watch http://youtu.be/tlLiJpL1BbE. Read http://www.sjbaker.org/steve/omniv/eulers_are_evil.html. In Class Implement a renderer that lets you spin a shaded cylinder (in cylinder.obj in W455). The cylinder is aligned with the Y axis and […]

CS 455 Lecture 6 – Matrix Implementation and Orthographic Transformations

Before Class Vector and Matrix Implementation Watch http://youtu.be/oanx1G_76JI. Bring these implementations to class on Thursday. Viewport and Orthogonal Projection Transformations Watch http://youtu.be/TlN4q3zt1tw. Bring the GetOrthographic method implementation to class on Thursday. In class Building on your work from Tuesday, incorporate your Matrix4 class to do the transformations. Add an orthographic projection to show the object space [-100, […]

CS 455 Lecture 5 – Vectors, Matrices, and Meshes

Before Class Meshes Watch http://youtu.be/EWtMydWVozQ. Watch an introduction to modeling: http://cgcookie.com/blender/2010/08/31/blender-intro-to-modeling. Vectors and Matrices Watch http://youtu.be/cMkKKDanIhw. Read http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/technical/math-and-physics/vectors-and-matrices-a-primer-r1832, skipping the sections on determinants, inversion, and projection matrices for now. In class Create a renderer that lets you scale and or translate a tweaked OBJ model with a matrix. (I’ve placed a few models in the W455 directory.) Alter your […]

455 Programming for Mac Users

Hey there, If you’re on a Mac in CS 455, good for you. You’re spared much pain and hardship using VisualStudio. I kinda hate it. Thankfully, Xcode is your friend, and Apple is more than happy to have you come use it instead of Microsoft’s junk. You don’t need to be a paid developer for […]

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