teaching machines

CS 145 Lecture 23 – Optimization and Accumulation

Agenda what ?s loop patterns: optimization accumulation TODO Read chapter 5 in your book. You’ve already read section 5.3. Write down 2-3 questions or observations on a 1/4 sheet for Friday. Note Today we continue our discussion of loop patterns. Last time we look at the pervasive loop and a half. Now we look at the […]

CS 491 Lecture 15 – Animations

Agenda what ?s coherent this animations via… sprite frames Unity animation editor TODO Watch Player and Enemy Animations, Player Animator, and maybe Animate Anything from the Unity tutorials. I usually play these at double speed. Write down 2-3 questions/observations on a 1/4 sheet for Friday. Coherent This You’re developing a game with a message. But it’s still a game, […]

CS 145 Lecture 22 – Loop-and-a-half

Agenda what ?s what does this do? looping patterns: loop and a half accumulation selection TODO Let’s not have lab tomorrow. This was anticipated! Quiz 4 is and has been scheduled for next week. For Wednesday, complete some loop questions on CodingBat, sections String-2 or String-3, or Practice-It!, section BJP3 Chapter 5. Note Loops add a […]

CS 145 Lecture 21 – Working with Images

I’m at conference in Atlanta this week, so we will not have our regular lecture on Wednesday and Friday. However, to help you complete homework 4 and see for loops in action, I’ve recorded a few videos that manipulate images in various ways. Flipping Swapping Colors Gradient Splitting

CS 145 Lecture 20 – For Loops

Agenda what ?s the anatomy of while the disfigured for TODO Lab is on for tomorrow, but there’s no lecture Wednesday or Friday. Watch lecture 21. No 1/4 sheet. Start homework 4, which is due before November 2. Sync on Bitbucket and pull to get the latest SpecChecker. Mercy Bounty If you did not get […]

CS 145 Homework 4 – due before November 2

See the PDF.

CS 491 Lab 5 – Game Jam

Today we’re going to have a little game jam. A game jam is an event where people rapidly develop a game in a short amount of time. These game jams often have a theme, since creativity loves nothing better than constraint. Ours too will have a theme. So here’s your task: Make a game in […]

Arcade: Galaxy Fighter

CS 145 Lab 4 – Conditionals and Loops

First, if you have checkpoints left over from last lab, get them inspected during the first 15 minutes of this lab. No credit will be awarded past these 15 minutes. Don’t forget to work in pairs! Please work with someone that you did not work with last lab. Objective In this lab, we use logical […]

CS 145 Lecture 19 – While

Agenda what ?s don’t repeat yourself while TODO Finish homework 3. Verify that your code lands on Bitbucket. Recall that resolving Bitbucket issues is part of completing a homework. I grade Monday morning. Note Pilots don’t just swerve around mountains, falling meteors, and enemy fire. They also do tricks. They loop de loop. They spiral […]

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