teaching machines

Cheerios (Peggle)

Each blue bumper is worth 50 points, the others are 10. 30 points for each life you have left at the end of each level. Enjoy!

CS 145 Lecture 26 – Birthdays

Agenda what ?s loop until fixed repeated birthdays TODO For an extra credit participation point, check out tryruby.org and work through at least level 5. Write down 2-3 questions, observations, or comparisons to Java or other languages you know. Note Today we introduce an idiom we can use to support a “try again” when an exception happens. […]

CS 491 Homework 3 – Platform – due before December

See the PDF.

CS 491 Lecture 17 – Arcade Review

Agenda what ?s arcade review TODO Start your platformer. Due before December. Review Today we’re going to playtest your arcade games! Jeremy Gibson advocates these points when doing informal playtesting: Don’t tell the player too much. You want to discover what’s obvious and what’s obscure. Don’t argue or make excuses. If your testers think something is […]

Michael Schaefer’s remake of Asteroids

CS 145 Lecture 25 – Computer as Factory Worker

Agenda what ?s a siblings histogram arrays counting repeated birthdays TODO Start homework 5, which is due before November 13. It uses the ideas we discuss today. Prepare a question or two to share before tomorrow’s quiz. New topics we’ve covered since the last quiz include loops and conditional statements. Worth a participation point. Note […]

CS 491 Lab 8 – Game Jam

Today we’re going to have a little game jam. A game jam is an event where people rapidly develop a game in a short amount of time. These game jams often have a theme, since creativity loves nothing better than constraint. Ours too will have a theme. So here’s your task: Make a game in […]

Bruce and Ben’s Biggest Battle

Galaga Clone

  I have not gotten the highscore table to work yet. The levels do advance in difficulty, but there is no text that shows what level you are currently on or how many lives you have left.

Pacman – WEIRC

<iframe src=”//itch.io/embed/41505″ width=”552″ height=”167″ frameborder=”0″></iframe> I tried for more than half an hour, I simply could not get the widget to display, when I tried to edit in the Text mode, the iframe code is just gona when I click Update. I gave up, below is a link: http://xiaotang923.itch.io/pacman?secret=ZTDkRcy9SbIBK9YNs6w1JhMP6kg Arrow keys to move

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