teaching machines

CS 330 Lecture 32 – Filter and Memoization

Agenda what ?s program this type synonyms memoization Intentions I can use the filter pattern with custom predicates to extract a subset of data. I can employ memoization to cache and quickly recall the results of function calls. Program This Write a function maxAll that accepts a list of numbers and yields the maximum. Problems Write […]

CS 455 Lecture 20 – Environment Mapping

Agenda what ?s reflecting a vector environment mapping TODO As a lab exercise: Sync with the class repo to get the environment starter project. Run the project to find a scene with three models hovering over a terrain and nestled in a skybox. Use the cursor keys to rotate the models. We want to these […]

CS 330 Lecture 31 – Maps, Filters, and Folds

Agenda what ?s a gallery of maps, filters, and folds pairs lambdas composition TODO On a 1/4 sheet, write these functions using map, filter, or fold:  lengths, which accepts a list of strings and yields a list of all their lengths. For example, lengths [“a”, “bcd”, “efghi”] yields [1, 3, 5].  tweens, which accepts a low, a […]

Cabin Scene brownif

This project was a little less tricky than the magnets one since we have already done labs that cover many of the things we needed to accomplish in this project and I am starting to understand OpenGL more. I started out by using the specular lab as a jumping off point and then created a […]

CS 455 Lecture 19 – Skyboxes

Agenda what ?s skyboxes up next: environment mapping TODO As a lab exercise: Sync with the class repo to get some tweaks to the Texture and ObjUtilities classes, a skybox starter project, a box model, and some skybox textures. Build and run skybox to make sure it works. You should see a heightmap with a […]

CS 330 Lecture 30 – Pattern Matching, Partial Function Evaluation, and Map

Agenda what ?s more on pattern matching  capitalize  proportionalize  at, a subscript operation partial function evaluation  kthSmallest  winner  runnerUp the map pattern Intentions I can organize my solution to a problem by matching my data against patterns in case statements or function parameters. I can generate functions from other functions by partially applying a subset of their parameters. I […]

CS 330 Lecture 29 – Functional

Agenda what ?s what makes a language functional Haskell expressions functions lists pattern matching partial function application TODO Start the Funfun homework. Due before May 1. Pull down to get revised Funfun spec and fix in Timbre grader. See Piazza @16. No class on Friday. 1/4 sheet: Read first four chapters of Learn You a Haskell […]

CS 330 Funfun Homework – due before May 1

See the PDF.

CS 455 Homework 3 – Sceen

See the PDF.

CS 455 Lecture 18 – Interpolation

Agenda what ?s interpolation nearest neighbor linear TODO As a lab exercise: Pull from the class code repository. Add an Interpolate method to your Heightmap class. It’s like the operator() method, except it takes in float indices that lie somewhere within the heightmap grid—not necessarily at locations on the integer lattice. Use bilinear interpolation to find the […]

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