teaching machines

WEIRC – I Madeup A Church!!

At first, I thought about making a butterfly, then after searching on google for a minute, I quickly gave up. Then the colorful Windows 7 logo of the monitor background inspired me, I said to myself, I’m going to make a windows logo! Since the logo is essentially curved rectangles, I started making my own […]

SCHUHAJ – I Madeup Life

I looked at what had existed so far, and upon seeing Corey’s thought on making a double helix, I wanted to make one. First I needed to make a spiral, for i to 5 for t in 0,30..360 x = 10 * cos t y = 10 * sin t z = 0.1 * (360 […]

CS 330 Lecture 38 – Promises

Agenda what ?s the event loop chaining asynchronous events callback hell parallelizing asynchronous events promises in JavaScript TODO Some folks have asked for a few more opportunities for participation points. I will grant 3 extra credit participation points to any student who gives a semi-lightning talk and demo (5-8 minutes) during lecture next Wednesday on some […]

Madeup Models

First I tried simply drawing a model by manually moving, attempting to recreate the Mirror’s Edge logo didn’t go well at all. Turns out I’m really bad at that.   So I decided to check out the rotate function next making a cake-like object   Next was creating a noodle-like object  with loops   I […]

Chain model

Followed this youtube tutorial and created a chain link model.

CS 455 Lecture 24 – Impostors and Geometry Shaders

Agenda what ?s homework 4 framebuffer objects geometry shaders impostors Think About This You are writing a molecular simulation where you need to render 1000s of atoms. What naive solution might you take to render them? How might you accelerate this process? Haiku

CS 330 Lecture 37 – Promises and Futures

Agenda what ?s evaluate this synchronous asynchronicity futures in Scala promises in JavaScript TODO Some folks have asked for a few more opportunities for participation points. I will grant 3 extra credit participation points to any student who gives a semi-lightning talk and demo (5-8 minutes) during lecture next Wednesday on some contained and interesting programming […]


Ha! I beat David! My life is complete. Anyway, I figured I’d get this done so it’s one less thing to worry about. Here was my thought process: “Man, I’m really not creative. Let’s look at good ol’ Google to see what cool looking shapes there are.” “Wow, look at all this cool stuff!” “I […]

CS 455 Homework 4 – Madeup

See the PDF.

CS 455 Lecture 23 – Water

Agenda what ?s homework 4 water forward differencing TODO As a lab exercise: Sync with the class repository to get the water starter project. Run it to find some very disappointing water. We’re going to do a couple of things to make it look better: 1) add environment mapping to make it reflect the skybox […]

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