teaching machines

Sceen – rogersta

My thought process for this was to first figure out how to add more objects and position them how I wanted, then to add texture. I got textures looking nice on a 2d plane but had a bit of trouble on the 3d objects. The first thing I got working was a cube, although pretty […]

alibraay Madeup

    The first thing that I decided to try and make was a hyper cube. I wasn’t to familiar with how the language worked so I ended up just using a bunch of hardcoded moveto commands. I had some trouble figuring out if the push and pop command worked or if I was just […]

Magnets – rogersta

I had many hurdles to deal with for this assignment, hence it being so late. I fell behind early in the class so I had to spent the majority of the time working on this just learning what I was supposed to already know. I also struggled with getting the right values in the right […]

lavaniaj – Madeup

This is was my first model I made. I started with some swirling effects with dot, then I decided to make it look like fire particles coming off of a moving torch.   A simple treble cleft which I tried messing around the radius of a tube in order to create thickness.     Just […]

gutzmejr- Sceen

This is my scene that I generated, consisting of two planets and a wormhole thingy (which is two objects transformed to line up right). This was a combination of a few things we had done, so I just had to organize them and duplicate a few things. The hardest part was getting all of the […]

CS 330 Lecture 40 – Exit

Agenda what ?s review time Haiku

elwoodld madeup

  My thought process was to make things that no one else had made to the best of my knowledge, that way i can be interesting. I used the tube function a lot as it allowed for nice circular or square for giving things a definite shape. Overall it wasn’t too bad doing these, it […]

CS 455 Lecture 26 – Shadows

Agenda what ?s shadow mapping TODO As a lab exercise: Sync with the class repo to get the shadows starter project. Render the scene to find three rotating spheres. We first need a texture to hold a picture of the scene from the light’s point of view. Instead of storing color, however, we only need […]


Here are my Madeup models: 1. Tornado Alley: 2. Parametric Shapes (based off these shapes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parametric_equation#/media/File:Param_03.jpg) Thought Process: After reviewing the syntax and the going through the examples on the blog, I experimented with slight variations on the existing examples to get a feel for how Madeup worked under the hood. I played around with the tools […]

Madeup rileyrj

Creating models was a lot more challenging for me then I originally thought. I figured I’d start with something simple and just try to make a simple spiral. After awhile I was able to get somewhat what I desired. In the future I would definitely take more of a plan first approach before I started […]

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