teaching machines

CS 455 Lecture 12 – Texture Mapping

Agenda what ?s adding detail without geometry uv coordinates Texture class interpolation repetition While You’re Waiting I have an image of Campbell’s Soup label that is 480 pixels wide and 201 pixels tall. What must be the relative dimensions of the soup can upon which the label is affixed? TODO As a lab exercise, create […]

CS 330 Lecture 17 – On to C

Agenda what ?s program this think about this C over assembly TODO Read The Descent to C. 1/4 sheet. Program This Write atoi, which converts a C string into an integer. Think About This Imagine you are an assembly language programmer in the 1970s. What’s one gripe you have with assembly? Haiku

alibraay Gaussian Pox

    Overall creating the Image class went well. The only hang up I really had was trying to convince myself that the image that was being produced was reasonable. Other than that, trying to debug by looking at the ppm file was kind of troublesome.   This is one bump   This is 250 […]

spiegedj – HW 2

Thought Processes: I started off the project by converting the magnet pseudocode into a c++ class. I used a class instead of a struct for no real reason other than that I like classes better and I knew that there is little difference between them. I then worked on adding an OnDraw method to this magnet class so […]

CS 455 Lecture 11 – Aspect Ratio

Agenda what ?s Playdoh projection fitting the projection to the viewport TODO Start the Magnets homework. No class on Thursday. Some of you have missed some lab checkpoints and have asked if they could still be submitted. I’m am reluctant to diminish the value of previously awarded checkpoints. However, I offer the following two checkpoints […]

CS 455 Homework 2 – Magnets

See the PDF.

CS 330 Lecture 16 – Functions in Assembly

Agenda what ?s finish heads/tails summing user input a multiply function TODO I’ll be gone Wednesday and Friday. Please take advantage of this time to work on CSE and Regexercise. I will have limited time to communicate, though I’ll try to check Piazza once a day. Code boolean.s repeated_addition.s Haiku

lavaniaj – Gaussian Pox

Creating the Image class and its methods went smoothly after I overcame my directional impairment. I wasted quite a bit of time trying to figure out why my energies were not calculating correctly in my main method. Instead of doing variable1 = pow(variable2, variable3), I was simply doing variable1 = (variable2, variable3). I was accidentally […]

CS 330 Lecture 15 – Assembly Cont’d

Agenda what ?s line at a time dealing with memory conditional statements calling functions TODO 1/4 sheet. Pick one of: Write an assembly program that gets a number from the user and prints out just its least significant byte. Read Stop Misquoting Donald Knuth! Line at a Time Code … Haiku  

CS 455 Lecture 10 – Virtual Trackball

Agenda what ?s 3-D interfaces imposing a virtual trackball TODO As a lab exercise, implement the virtual trackball interface. Rotate a model in a non-axis-aligned away and send me a screenshot. Code Pseudocode for mapping a pixel position onto a virtual unit sphere: Now, to implement the trackball: On left mouse down, persist the mouse location’s […]

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