teaching machines

CS 396 Lecture

Agenda what ?s Eric Fischer of Intel TODO Share two observations or questions you took away from our discussion with Intel. Browse How College Graduates Solve Information Problems Once They Join the Workplace. A summary video is available. What do you think? Turn these in on one 1/4 sheet at the beginning of next class.

IOU Postmortem

A few of interesting challenges I had to deal with were firstly, I made my database really slow by not having only one instance of the data manager. I had to refactor my code so it was faster. I also had some trouble testing some of my features mainly the send text message function because […]

Travel Pics postMortem

The most difficult problem with this app was probably using the async task to send in the gps latitude and longitude to a web server and receive a Json object of the location you are currently at.  Trying to do this with eclipse and the AVD was a little iffy as it was not always […]

CS 145 Lecture 37 – This, Local, Instance, Static

Agenda what ?s program this you might need this local vs. static vs. instance Program This Write a Set object. Sets are collections of values where repeats are ignored. Sets are useful for managing digital photos (where reimporting from a camera wastes resources and creates confusion), for building concordances (lists of words used in a […]

CS 145 Homework 7 – due before December 6 or 13

See the PDF.

CS 145 Lecture 36 – Android

Agenda what ?s event-driven programming bubble wrap popper Android’s view system callbacks resource management touch events Code activity_main.xml MainActivity.java PopperView.java Haiku

CS 145 Lab 8 – Objects

First, if you have checkpoints left over from last lab, get them inspected during the first 15 minutes of this lab. No credit will be awarded past these 15 minutes. Don’t forget to work in pairs! Where possible, please work with someone that you did not work with last lab. The exchange of new ideas and […]

CS 396 Lecture 13 – Skyline Technologies

Agenda what ?s Aaron Wirth and Mark Lezotte of Marshfield Clinic TODO Share two observations or questions you took away from our discussion with Skyline Technologies. Research our next speaker: Intel. Prepare two questions you might ask Eric Fischer. Turn these in on one 1/4 sheet at the beginning of next class.

CS 436 Lecture 25 – Push Notifications

Push Notifications? Push notifications are messages sent to an application that is not actively requesting them. From an operating systems perspective, the application is not polling for information, but is instead awaiting an interrupt. In a sense, push notifications are like phone calls or text messages. However, phone calls and text messages are typically used to interrupt another […]

CS 145 Lecture 35 – A World of Objects

Agenda what ?s think about this managing complexity a spectrum of encapsulation a stopwatch interactive fiction TODO Read chapter 8 through 8.4. Offer three or more questions, observations, or “headlines” about the reading and ideas we are discussing on a 1/4 sheet to be turned in Monday. Think About This Code UhOh.java Finally.java StopWatch.java Alphabet.java […]

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