teaching machines

CS 330 Lecture 2 – Shell Scripting

Agenda what ?s who you are toolsmiths? duality redirection, expansion, and substitution some scripts find biggest files recycle instead remove mass email TODO Read chapter 13 through 13.2.1. If you are thirsty for more: http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2010/06/30/where-the-unix-philosophy-breaks-down http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch01s06.html Optional challenge: write a one-liner to change permissions of all files and their descendants to be others-readable (without qualification) […]

CS 245 Lab 1 – JUnit and GUIs

Welcome to the first lab of CS 245. Lab is a time for us to throw some problems at you and for you to clarify your understanding, collaborate with others, get things wrong, and ask lots of questions. Your work for each checkpoint section is inspected by your instructor or TA. Checkpoints are only inspected […]

CS 245 Lecture 2 – GUIs, Clickture

Agenda what ?s who you are program this writing a slideshow application TODO Optional: review CS 145 stuff in chapters 3 and 4 in Core Java. Read Core Java 6.3 through 6.4.2 and 7 through 7.2. What Swing widget creates a box for editing text? 1/4 sheet. Program This Code IPAddress.java TestIPAddress.java AnnotationExample.java Clickture.java ImageDirectoryCursor.java […]

CS 330 Lecture 1 – Hi and Shell

Agenda meta define this course outline shell Define This TODO Watch and play along with the video above on using Bitbucket for homework. Read the syllabus. Read Fred Brooks’ The Computer Scientist as Toolsmith II (http://www.cs.unc.edu/~brooks/Toolsmith-CACM.pdf). Change your shell as you wish. Bring a 1/4 of paper to Friday’s lecture with two questions and two […]

CS 245 Lecture 1 – Hi and JUnit

Agenda introductions black box meta test-driven development JUnit an class for an IP address TODO Watch and play along with the CS 245 Bitbucket video above. Find and watch a YouTube video on JUnit. Read the syllabus. Hand in at the beginning of next lecture a 1/4 sheet of paper with two questions and two […]

CS 330 – Programming Languages

Meta Syllabus Enrollment: 54 Lectures Homework Exams

CS 245 – Advanced Programming and Data Structures

Information Syllabus Enrollment: 46 Lectures Labs Homework Exams

CS 245 Final

See the PDF.

CS 245 Lecture 28 – Heap Demo and Closeout

Agenda what ?s removing from a heap heap demo data structure decision tree advice Code BiggerOrBetter.java Heap.java Circle.java Circles.java Advice Rob Pike, in Notes on Programming in C: Fancy algorithms are slow when n is small, and n is usually small. Donald Knuth, in Structured Programming with Goto Statements: Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying […]

CS 491 Lecture 26 – Geocoding and Location-aware Apps

This is the final week of the semester, and you are hastily completing your projects. I’m occupied too, so this last exercise will be terse. The only feature we haven’t discussed in class is supporting reverse geocoded checkin posts. If someone goes to a business or other physical landmark, they should be able to—with one […]

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