HNRS 304.503 Lab 4 – Tiled platformer
Game design is not for coders alone. In this three-week lab, you and your chosen partner (not the same as you partnered with for lab 3), will create a tile-based platformer whose levels can be designed in a plain old text editor. For example, I might have a level comprised of blue spheres and orange […]
HNRS 304.503 Lab 3 – 4YO
A simple 2-D game Your task in the next two weeks is to design and implement a simple two-dimensional game in Unity. Follow these guidelines: Simple means target 4-year-olds. My four-year-old son will give you feedback. Collaborate with your partner or partners. Plan on how to divide up tasks before diving in. Teams may comprise […]
HNRS 304.503 Lab 2 – Interactive Fiction
Your task is design a work of interactive fiction, with these guidelines: Use Inform 7, which is installed on the lab machines and accessible under Computer Science in the Start Menu. The team as a whole should agree on an overarching plot, mood, etc. Each team member is responsible for designing and coding two rooms, […]
HNRS 304.503 Lab 1 – Xtranormal
It’s dangerous to jump into the technical aspects of a game before thinking critically about its plot and its characters. Today, we’ll remove ourselves as much as possible from the technical and write an animated dialog using Xtranormal. This won’t be interactive, but you will draw on the same elements you’ll need to write a […]
CS 145 Lab 10 – Choose-your-own
Reminder Show your completed lab 9 checkpoints to your instructor or TA in the first 20 minutes of this lab. Checkpoint #1 Answering only your professor’s questions only takes you so far. Composing your own is where the money is. Write a checkpoint-type problem for others to solve. Require the development of an object with instance variables, […]
CS 145 Lab 9 – Objects
Prelab Read chapter 8! Reminder Show your completed lab 8 checkpoints to your instructor or TA in the first 20 minutes of this lab. Object-orientation As we’ve seen in lecture, objects are the marriage of data (instance variables, declared at the class level) and methods. Up until now, our programming has been action- or procedure-oriented. We wrote […]
CS 145 Lab 8 – Arrays
Prelab There is no prelab problem this week. Reminder Show your completed lab 7 checkpoints to your instructor or TA in the first 20 minutes of this lab. Array usage As discussed in class and in your textbook, arrays are simply number collections of data. We can have arrays of primitives and we can have arrays of […]
CS 145 Lab 7 – More on loops and conditionals
Prelab Complete Self-Check 5.28 on the Practice-It website before 8 AM on March 26. Reminder Show your completed lab 6 checkpoints to your instructor or TA in the first 20 minutes of this lab. Cards Each of today’s problems involves a deck of cards. Though we use card terminology, you do not need to have […]
CS 145 Lab 6 – Logical operators and conditionals
Prelab Complete Self-check 5.14 on the Practice-It website before 8 AM on March 12. Logical operators In lecture we’ve explored the logical operators &&, ||, and !. These operators are as important to a programmer as a screwdriver and hammer are to a mechanic. Do whatever you can to learn their use. Suppose you have […]
CS 145 Lab 5 – Testing and loops
Prelab Complete Exercise 3.1 on the Practice-It website before 8 AM on February 20. Testing Once you’ve wrapped some code up inside a method, it becomes a candidate for quality assurance. You must poke it and prod it to make sure it does what its specification says it does. But here’s the kicker: you should […]