teaching machines

CS 491 Meeting 1: Game Development for Computer Science Education

Dear students, Welcome to CS 491: Game Development for Computer Science Education. I summarize this class with one sentence: let’s teach machines to teach people. This is a project-based class—meaning that we will spend very little time in lecture and a lot of time building games to help people learn computer science concepts. This class […]

CS 330 Lecture 41 – Multiple Inheritance and Polymorphism

Agenda what ?s mixins in Ruby polymorphism dynamic dispatch TODO The final exam will be posted either late today or early tomorrow morning. I’ll send an email when it is. It will probably be hosted on Google Docs. Note Last time we saw that multiple inheritance would be nice, but many languages don’t support it. […]

CS 330 Lecture 40 – Multiple Inheritance

Agenda what ?s design this multiple inheritance TODO The Wasd utilities.rb was treating a Vector2 instance immutably, which violated the spec. It was been updated. You’ll need to pull down the revised file. (Thanks, Paul!) Note We start today with this task: Design a reusable piece of Java code that allows a class to “listen” […]

CS 330 Lecture 39 – Inheritance

Agenda what ?s why inheritance? how is inheritance done? inheritance gotchas virtual override is-a vs. has-a TODO I’ve added a Wasd grader and fixed some omissions in the specification. Make you pull these down. One more 2-participation point extra credit opportunity for those of you who couldn’t make the evening talks: make two models in […]

CS 330 Lecture 38 – Dealing with Temporaries

Agenda what ?s fixing output issues read constructor splitting images with | move semantics TODO One more 2-participation point extra credit opportunity for those of you who couldn’t make the evening talks: make two models in Madeup. The objects must be reasonably interesting and not just random globs of triangles. At least one must be […]

CS 330 Lecture 37 – Object-oriented Programming

Agenda what ?s C++ I/O open classes overloading builtin operators move semantics Note Today we continue our discussion of object-oriented programming through the lens of C++. Many of C++’s design decisions are what they are because of Stroustrup’s ideals, including RAII and type parity. We’ll look at why Stroustrup felt C’s I/O system needed revamping. […]

CS 330 Lecture 36 – Object-oriented Programming

Agenda what ?s the pillars of OOP hello, C++ member initialization lists RAII overloading builtin operators << vs. printf TODO Investigate object-oriented criticism by searching the internet. On a 1/4 sheet, identify at least three objections that people raise against it. Do you agree or disagree? (Remember, this is the internet, where thinking before typing […]

CS 330 Lecture 35 – Call by Name, Call by Need Cont’d

Agenda what ?s debug macro until loop in Scala lazy data structures Note Last time we looked at pass-by-name, which eschews the eager evaluation that we run into in many languages and instead delays evaluation to the point of reference. Sometimes pass-by-name is really useful. Suppose we wanted to write a debugging function that printed […]

CS 330 Lecture 34 – Call by Value, Name, and Need

Agenda what ?s C preprocessor pass by name pass by need lazy evaluation TODO Regex talk tonight! Register here. Note We begin with an exercise that will help us understand the C preprocessor a little better. For each of the following code snippets, write down what you expect the result to be. We’ll go through […]

CS 330 Lecture 33 – Fold

Agenda what ?s program this bring * into the fold fold1 TODO Attend the CV Dev group meeting on Wednesday. Brad Candell of Group Health is speaking on regular expressions. Pizza at 5 PM, talk at 6 PM. They ask you to register so they can order enough pizza. See the Piazza post. Start the […]

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