teaching machines

CS 330 Lecture 32 – Memoization and Folds

Agenda what ?s memoization in C++ the fold pattern TODO Funfun before Monday! The thingies have been pretty unreliable lately. If you are on Windows, I really recommend getting >=4 GB USB drive and installing Linux on it. The last assignment will require JRuby again. (You can run this stuff on Windows too, but you […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 22 – Blender and Unity

Agenda what ?s reverse engineering bringing models into Unity Note Last time we began looking at making 3D models in Blender. Today we continue that, because 3D modeling is like eating. The more you do it, the better you get at it. We start with a reverse engineering problem. With a neighbor, argue what you […]

CS 330 Lecture 31 – Composition and Memoization

Agenda what ?s composition in Haskell memoization in C++ memoization in Haskell TODO On Wednesday night at 7 PM, I am giving a talk on Madeup at the Acoustic Cafe as part of the Ask a Scientist series. Attend and provide some proof of attendance (a sketch of me with one of the presented models, […]

CS 491 Lecture 21 – Walk Cycles

TODO On Wednesday night at 7 PM, I am giving a talk on Madeup at the Acoustic Cafe as part of the Ask a Scientist series. Attend and provide some proof of attendance (a sketch of me with one of the presented models, a soiled napkin, a receipt, a selfie with me, etc.) on Friday […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 20 – Hello, 3D Modeling

Agenda what ?s making models in Blender TODO Watch lesson 1 of the Blender 3D Design Course. (I installed the Chrome plugin Video Speed Controller to make Vimeo videos play faster.) For a 1/4 sheet, create a model of something. Email or print an image. On Wednesday night at 7 PM, I am giving a […]

CS 330 Lecture 30 – Lambdas in Haskell and Composition

Agenda what ?s program this lambdas in Haskell associating with $ composing functions TODO On Wednesday night at 7 PM, I am giving a talk on Madeup at the Acoustic Cafe as part of the Ask a Scientist series. Attend and provide some proof of attendance (a sketch of me with one of the presented […]

CS 330 Lecture 29 – Lambdas in Java and Haskell

Agenda what ?s passing behaviors in pre-Java 8 Java 8 lambdas closures vs. anonymous inner classes Note Today we explore how behaviors were passed around in pre-Java 8 and how Java 8 improves upon this with lambdas. We’ll see how they can used in historic APIs like Thread and JButton. Lambdas are often used with streams, […]

CS 491 Lecture 20 – Armature Animations

TODO Follow some videos or other tutorials on animating a walk cycle for a humanoid figure. Create a humanoid figure, rig it with an armature, and create a walk cycle. Upload the *.blend file to Sketchfab and make sure the animation plays automatically. Post the embed iframe element on the course blog with categories gamedev3, gallery, spring 2016. Cite […]

CS 330 Lecture 28 – Lambdas

Agenda what ?s program this passing behaviors in C lambdas map and map! in Ruby TODO Read Execution in the Kingdom of Nouns and Why We Need Lambda Expressions in Java. On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions, observations, or predictions about Java and lambdas. Note We start today with a little Program This, inspired by a supposedly […]

CS 491 Lecture 19 – Box Modeling

TODO Watch this video on modeling a figure in Blender. (I’ve picked this one because it has less magic and professional intimidation than many I’ve seen.) No 1/4 sheet is due, but next class you will be assigned a 1-blugold homework to animate a human figure. Lab Today in lab your task is to model one […]

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