teaching machines

CS 491 Lecture 12 – Properties and Projectiles

TODO Watch Nav Meshes. We’ll implement these next class and you will need them in the next homework assignment. On a 1/4 sheet, write down your plan for the environment of your third-person controller. What agents will automatically target objects in your scene? What will they target? What obstacles will they need to avoid? Lab […]

CS 491 Lecture 11 – Third Person

TODO For a participation point, play each other’s first-person games and leave a comment. What things were done well? Does the game remind you of others? What about the aesthetics, mechanics, or user interface could be improved to better support the theme or user experience? Lab Today we’ll start a game with the tentative title Our Color […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 12 – Post Mortems

Agenda what ?s post mortems TODO Read chapter 7. On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions or observations from your reading. Note Today we’ll play each other’s games and offer some feedback. We’ll follow these general principles of playtesting: The developers listen and watch, but don’t try to help. You want to see what […]

CS 330 Lecture 17 – C

Agenda what ?s buffer overflows gripes with assembly history of compilers and C  atoi  itoa TODO Read The Descent to C. Write down 2-3 questions or observations on a 1/4 sheet. Note Today we exploit a buffer overflow in an assembly program to redirect the CPU to a function that we aren’t authorized to run! […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 11 – Animation

Agenda what ?s keyframe animation goomba pacing moon orbiting Earth bouncing with 5 frame squash and stretch flower growing sprite sheet animation TODO Participate in Pixar in a Box on Khan Academy. Walk through at least the Animation section, but it’s all pretty interesting. On a 1/4 sheet, describe a theme that you might like […]

CS 330 Lecture 16 – Functions in Assembly and Buffer Overflows

Agenda what ?s local variables frame pointer functions buffer overflows TODO I’m in Memphis for a computer science education conference the rest of the week. No class on Wednesday or Friday. Please use your time to work on CSX! Note We close out our discussion of assembly today by looking at how functions in our […]

CS 330 Lecture 15 – Assembly Analogs

Agenda what ?s program this how does assembly handle… call-by-value semantics? types? composite types/structs? loops? local variables? return values? if statements? Note Today we continue our foray into assemble, examining how the notions we take for granted in high-level languages are implemented at the assembly level. But first, let’s start with a little warmup Program […]

CS 491 Lecture 10 – Compass and Publishing

TODO Look for an announcement next week about reviewing your classmates games! Lab Few of you finished the last lab, so start there. Get your leave/take buttons and inventory HUD working and then let’s add a wayfinding UI. Compass Image Many of you indicated that you wanted some sort of compass in your user interface. Let’s add […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 10 – Shuffle Cup Cont’d

Agenda what ?s swapping cups modeling parabolic motion shuffling cups TODO Friday lab will be a clinic and upload test. Bring your Puzzler issues! Note Last time we started Shuffle Cup and used coroutines to stage a mostly manual animation of lifting cups. We introduced the Lerp function to linearly transition between two stations. Today we […]

CS 330 Lecture 14 – Assembly

Agenda what ?s Human Resource Machine hello, x86 adding two globals printing getting user input counting TODO Read Programming from the Ground Up, from chapter 1 through section Planning the Program of chapter 3. Click on Download Area to find the PDF. Write down 2-3 questions or observations on a 1/4 sheet. Note Now that we’ve […]

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