teaching machines

CS 491 Lecture 9 – HUD and Camera Tricks

TODO Watch Cameras and Using Cameras from the Unity tutorials. On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions or observations about cameras, UIs, or other relevant topics. Lab Terrain and FPS Quickly create a scene with a terrain and an FPSController. Don’t spend any time on this. Polish is for later. Collectibles We want to […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 9 – Shuffle Cup

Agenda what ?s mouse click raycasting linear interpolation (lerp) shuffling cups Note Today we start building a new game inspired by your paper tile demos last week. It goes by many names (Thimblerig is the best), but it’s a classic shell game. A pea (or ball) is hidden under one of three nutshells (or cups). The […]

CS 330 Lecture 13 – Functions

Agenda what ?s adding functions to Logo scope choices closures in other languages TODO For an extra credit quarter sheet, write a Logo program. Clone the repository of our code in Eclipse, run Interpreter, and feed it a file containing a Logo program. Share your program on Piazza. Note Today we will round out our […]

CS 330 Lecture 12 – ASTs and Variables

Agenda what ?s AST generation expressions statements move and turn variables TODO Start the CSX homework. Due before March 11. Pull from both twodee and origin to get updates. Note Today we’ll got Logo programs up and running. We’ll generate a full AST representation of program and execute it instead of eagerly evaluating a construct as […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 8 – Co-o-no Cont’d

Agenda what ?s co-o-no hide previous round co/no buttons feedback message TODO Read chapters 5 and 6. On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions or observations. Under what circumstances do ideas come to you? Note Today we’ll wrap up Co-o-no, adding Co and No buttons and moving through a cycle of shown and hidden states. […]

CS 330 Lecture 11 – Abstract Syntax Trees

Agenda what ?s math problem a Logo grammar translating to an AST TODO Watch Aiken’s lectures 24 and 25 on abstract syntax trees and recursive descent parsing. On a 1/4 sheet, summarize your results from searching for reasons why many languages use semi-colons as statement terminators and parentheses around actual parameter lists. Note We’re about to write […]

CS 491 Lecture 7 – Rigidbody

TODO Watch Health HUD. On a 1/4 sheet, draw a sketch of a screen space overlay that you might want to present in your first- or third-person games this semester. Annotate each widget with a short but meaningful purpose. Lab Our goal today is to learn how to integrate objects we create into the physics system […]

Honors 104.502 Lecture 7 – Co-o-no Cont’d

Agenda what ?s 1×1 tile prototypes co-o-no hide previous round co/no buttons feedback message TODO Watch 2D Catch Game. (There are three parts. Watch at least the first.) On a 1/4 sheet, write down 2-3 questions or observations. Note Today we start by sharing our prototypes with each other. As you share, give feedback: What […]

CS 330 Lecture 10 – Interpreting a Parse Tree

Agenda what ?s retcon: matching numeric ranges with regex evaluate this tree walking eager vs. lazy toward Logo Note We left off last time being able to lex and parse boolean expressions. Today we evaluate them by walking the parse tree. First off, let’s try doing this manually. Evaluate this tree: We’ll automate this evaluation […]

CS 330 Lecture 9 – Grammars

Agenda the source-to-execution pipeline a boolean grammar terminals (the atoms) nonterminals (the molecules) productions an interpreter TODO Setup ANTLR4 per Getting Started with ANTLR4. Define the aliases in you shell’s startup files (.zshrc or .bashrc, probably) so they stick around between sessions. Create a lexer and parser for the boolean grammar provided below. On a 1/4 sheet, draw the […]

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