teaching machines

CS491: Homework02 xiongchu

I implemented an application that scans Universal Product Codes (UPC). The user is then allowed to insert information about the product and store the UPC, brand name, product name, and a small description of the product into a SQLite database. I used ZXing’s (Zebra Crossing) Barcode Scanner application to do the UPC scanning. My application […]

CS491 – Homework 2 “Cribbage Statician” – Brian Kendzior

The goal for the CribbageStatician is to allow users to seemlessly play games of cribbage and record their points into the app. The app will then keep track of the individual scores for games and correctly notify players when 120 points has been reached. At the end of each round, the statistics are recorded into […]

leggitns Homework 2: When Click Listeners Strike Back (TaskMan)

As you may gather from the title, click listeners were acting up in my project.   The intent of this project was to create a very simple Task Tracker that would allow users to use a list view to see a list of tasks, click a task to get deeper details and to edit the […]

Homework 2 – Zebrary book scanner

Zebrary is a simple book-cataloging application that uses the camera of a device and an open-source barcode image processing library called ZXing (pronounced “Zebra Crossing”).  The camera is to scan the barcode of a book, ZXing reads the ISBN number, and the Google Books API is used to gather bibliographic information about the volume, including […]

Homework 2 – hardymar – To-do List

For this homework assignment I decided to make a To-do app. The app has three activities. The Main Activity, Add Activity and Edit Activity. The Main Activity contains the list of all current tasks in the to-do list. A task has a name, a due date, an icon representing it’s state and a priority between 1-5. Depending on […]

borglimj hw1

I decided to make a quiz machine that is generated dynamically by the user. On the home page you can choose to add categories to your quiz.  Such as math, science, random questions.  You can create as many categories as you would like.  Whats your satisfied with the number of categories, its time to start […]

leggitns Homework 1 Post Mortem

I set out to create a sort of  quiz app of sorts with allowing users the ability for users to create their own questions and group them by categories as well as play preloaded quizzes.  Unfortunately, due to time constraints, or more appropriately, poor time management on my part, I was unable to implement any […]

kozuchaj hw1

I wrote a basic math flash cards application. The user is greeted with a menu screen with basic info about the program, and a button to start playing. I tried to implement a settings menu attached to this screen but I couldn’t get it to open at all. Once the use hits play they are […]

World’s hardest easiest quiz

This program takes a list of questions from the world’s easiest quiz that’s been floating around the Internet if you look around a bit.  Most questions are tricks, which is what makes it so fun!  Information is generally input and output through dialog boxes, and the program is started with a Wargames-esque button next to […]

Jahnke Homework 1, QQs

My question game is rather simple and quick. These questions are multiple choice questions. The question is asked both at the top of the screen and is briefly toasted to you. So you can see the question, and answer it as quickly as possible. While I did not create a timer, I imagined this to be […]

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