teaching machines

Homework 3 – What are the Lyrics?

My app goes and gets lyrics from an API based on what the use specifies for an artist and a song title.  For this I used the API from LyricsWiki.  I used RESTful  service like we did in class but used more of a post to search than a get like we did in class. […]

Homework #3 crakerbr

Everybody faces a daily decision to either go and do something outside or stay home and play video games. Rather than trying to estimate the weather and risk frostbite, heatstroke, hypothermia, or any of the other afflictions nature tries to kill us with, my app finds out the current weather and tells you whether to […]

CS491: Homework03 xiongchu

My extra feature is using YouTube’s Data API to extract video information and display them. I actually used their RESTful web service, I made a http request like we did in class and sending the appropriate parameters based on what I want my results to be. Then using the JSON library to parse the response […]

Homework 3 – Seven Seas of Rhyme

Ok, first and foremost, the title is a pun a Queen song. Now that the most important piece of information is out of the way lets get to the app. For this assignment I hooked a simple GUI onto RhymeBrain.com‘s rhyming dictionary API. In addition to rhyming words, the API has two other functions: it […]

Homework 2 – wettstaj

Guess All The Megaman Bosses! This app was going to be really cool if i could have finished it. The basic idea was that, when you type in a word, it would search a premade database for the list of bosses. Every time you typed in a correct boss it would populate a text field […]

Homework 2 Videogame Wishlist

So for this assignment, I just wanted to create something that’s simple but useful.  It’s that time of year again when all the good videogames come out.  Of course, being how games are $60 these days, gamers such as myself don’t really buy a game unless it’s totally worth it and it’s something that we’d […]

Homework Two – Pokedex

For my assignment using lists and databases,I decided to create a very basic Pokedex. It includes the first 4 generations (493) Pokemon, with some rather basic information on each one stored in a database. That is, by any stretch of the imagination, too long of a list to have in a single android list activity. […]

bischetw MyPlaces

I wrote an application that’ll allow a user to add places to google maps. Originally I had grand plans of querying the web for values and allowing the user to search for a location or click and get the location name.  This would have been done using something called Geocoder but apparently Geocoder doesn’t work on an […]

iOrganize – Homework 2 – weeksc

iOrganize it a simple To-Do sort of app. The basic idea is that you have a list of Tasks you’d like to accomplish. Each task has a progress or percentage complete associated with it. There is a green plus button in the upper left hand corner to add tasks. Tasks can either be deleted either […]

Homework 2 – thompbla

For this assignment I decided to create a simple notepad application. I wanted to create this application because I felt that others were too complex for what I want to use a note/tasklist application for. I used the rattler main view and edit view with slight modification because it was close to what I was […]

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